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His Eye Is On The Sparrow (Matthew 10)
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
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...so we know He watches us!
Another freehand, Done in the Gimp.
Enjoy! Last changelog:
Another freehand, Done in the Gimp.
added waves to bottom and bird to upper left corner to break up the monotony.
Also added white highlights to twig.
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url

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Ratings & Comments
...But is there any chance you would try your hand at a secular wallpaper, just once?
I like it, it's really nice to look at IMO. I would really like your backgrounds to have less text on them as they do. I understand you wanting to put the full text from the scripture, but it's a little distracting as a normal day-to-day desktop. I think a simple title like "His Eye is on the Sparrow [Matthew 10:29-31]" (written in anything but that cursive font) would be fantastic. It's not that I don't want to be exposed to the scripture, It's quite the opposite. But what if someone put a soliloquy of Shakespeare on their background? Or the Preamble to the U.S Constitution. It'd be just as annoying as full scripture. Keep uo the good work. It's always nice to see how much you are improving and fun to read every "offended" kde-looker posting slader on these :)
I agree, this is quite ugly actually. Freehand, its not bad... but once you think about it...ick.
Oh boy... this is quite ugly! *lol*
hes back with hs stupid wallpapers and he still doesnt give answers what a moron
And once again, nothing turns otherwise intelligent people into blathering idiots faster than posting pro-Christian messages to a board full of tech-savvy people. I agree that Tim's artwork looks terrible, but I see no reason for the personal attacks.
Just sad. If you don't like the wallpaper, don't use it. And if you can't offer a meaningful and objective critique, keep yer pie-hole shut. I'm not a bible-thumper, a Christian, or even remotely religious. But I enjoy reading the book of Matthew. Have you ever read it? Tim's artwork is turning from shit to gold before our eyes, and all you can offer is bile. Thanks anyway.
thx kaha .. im totally on your side learn to tolerate art that doesn't suite you or just ignore and dont look at tims work .. its easier than always trieing to make him down, because this will create excactly the opposite of what YOU want.. out of protest - even more wallpapers good luck tim youre on the way to become a real artist =) ---------------------------------da-flow
What tablet are you using with the Gimp? Did you have any trouble setting up the drivers with your distro? Your creativity is really developing along with your techno tallents. There are many out here that appreciate and use your work. I use your wallpapers in my Cisco class to start discussions about Christ and Linux.
Wow! Great to hear that! now, about what I use, as much as I'd like to try a tablet, I don't have the cash for one right now...so I'm pushing my mouse around. Thanks brother! Tim
Ahh, I like the artwork. It isnt that bad. Once again though, another attempt to push beliefs. Once again, another bad rating.
He's not pushing anything to me. And I'm a linux user who loves KDE, but I wouldn't mind something like this every so often that caters not only to my computer using needs, but also to my spiritual needs. Thanks again, Tim. Good freehand work. Was that with a tablet or a mouse?
a mouse. thanks for the feedback! Tim
Thats really awesome, hard to beleive some one can paint this well in GIMP... keep up the good work! god bless
I always found painting freehand difficult.