View From Little Neck Bridge
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
This is a photo I took from the Little Neck Bridge on Northern Blvd. in Queens, New York. In the background is a small bridge for the Long Island Rail Road. In the distance you can see the top of a much larger bridge, the Throgs Neck Bridge. Last changelog:
As suggested, I opened the original file in gimp, selected 'Image | Colors | Levels...' and clicked the 'Auto' button. It made the picture much brighter.
Screenshot 1 is the original photo. Screenshot 2 is a shrunken version of the 'enhanced' photo.
Ratings & Comments
Though I liked it before, it looks much better now. :)
First, I do like the pic, I downloaded it the first time you put this up (I did forget to vote good, so I'll do it this time). Second, I don't see anything "updated" about it to warant an "updated" status. Third, even though I do like this pic, as posted, it doesn't make a very good desktop pic. It's kind of washed out looking and a bit dark. I pulled it into gimp and ran an auto-level on it which helped a LOT. I raised the brightnes a tad, but that makes the darker parts far more black. If I wasn't color blind, I'd do a lot more with adjusting levels and such to suit the pic better, but if *I* do it... :-) Anyway, it is indeed a nice pic, but it needs some work yet.
Thanks for the suggestions. I ran the gimp auto-level on the file and re-uploaded. There's numerous things you can do in the gimp to make this pic more desktop-friendly. I generally like to drain all the colors out with 'desaturate' and then apply a bluish tint with 'color balance'. Playing around, I made one version of this photo that turned the sky sort of a dark pinkish orange.