For those who can read music; see if you can recognize the musical phrase.
For whosoever is interested...
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Ratings & Comments
...I like it, U get my vote.
Interesting. A nice piece of art, without being over-bearing. I'd be careful, however, including copyrighted music into artwork. There might be issues with that. ;-)
Here you go; since you are so concerned I'll let you research it...even if I know she doesn't care... Amy Grant c/o Blanton Harrell Cooke & Corzine 5300 Virginia Way, Suite 100 Brentwood, TN 37027
Is this not a bit sour, Tim. It was only a friendly pointer. On another note, I like all your wallpapers a lot, and appreciate the theme you are trying to convey. Bit worried about the singer, though. By the time he/she have finished those top F's, they are going to be bright red and unable to breathe!
This represents a quantum leap in skill and asthetics. The penguin is in a strange style, but not too bad at all.
thats really cool, Tim! i dont read music very well, tho, so i have no idea what it is....could you kindly fill me in on that one? keep up the good work!
Hi Chris: You may have heard Amy Grant's "Thy Word"? Except for the measure Tux is sitting/standing on, it's "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Key of Eb, treble cleff. -- tim
Art definately seems better. And the flood seems to have stopped, which is cool. However, on a personal note. Your preaching etc has really turned me off Christianity and it's followers. Sad but there it is.
The problem is they "believe" they have a dog given right to shove this crap down everybodies throats!! Its quite pathetic.
*"Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Führer" - Adolf Hitler* Don't worry, your day is coming. The world is coming together -- sooner rather than later -- as one political system, one economy and with one religion and one ruler. The Bible will be out, paganism will be in. The Bible predicts it, and the times are coming to fruition like a fig tree. And I personally guarantee you it will come to pass. Ironic; because these things that should cause us believers distress are really a source of inner joy because we know that this means that the time of our Lord's return is near. Also ironic because even though it gives us joy, it should give you sorrow. After the world becomes united under one leader, seven years afterword will be the return of Jesus Christ to the Mount of Olives, just as foretold in the scriptures. And He will judge the world. It's not how you start. It's how you finish. And without Christ, you lose forever. Repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved. Tim
- please look at my newest work called [Think] - =) - I've got something for ya ! - promise its nice =) ___________________________87).. da-flow
Yeah, I saw it. Thanks! Tim
What is it? I can't read notes :-)
remember Amy Grant's "Thy Word"? It's the opening phrase... :) TIm
It's very good to see people sharing their gifts to others. God bless you.
Thanks...it's a pleasure. That's what I'm here for! Blessings, Tim
Clean lines,Tux-based and a good message to keep in mind ! Nice work.
i realy like your newer works =) you're improving ! May love be with you, Da FloW
Thanks! I appreciate the good word! Tim