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For other evangelical Christians...a great improvement over the original.

"Believe on" is accurate...from the KJV...which was chosen over other translations due to the faithfulness to the original idea; that of trusting, not just intellectual ascent.

If you haven't already done so, and have the time, why not send KDE-LOOK an email thanking them for allowing a variety of work? Thanks!
Last changelog:

Replaced "glowing steel" effect with regular drop shadow.

Added second paper.

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I agree with newLux, abe, alethia, and jeffrhino completely! Let the man post his stuff! If you don't like it, don't use it, simple as that. Don't turn this into evangelistic proganda! Oh, and j0ntar, you are totally wrong! Keep your stupid speculations to yourself please. Kudos Tim, you've got guts!! You can work on your skills a bit more, but you've got guts and that's good.


I praise him for making a statement. What you guys bash him for is that he posts what he believes. But We see YOUR religion everyday in TV, Radio, and of course the Internet. So it is nice for a change to see something clean on this site.


ya know, jeff does have a pretty good point....think about his idea for a few minutes....Tim's ideas should make sense to you guys afterwards...


Perhaps the most deep failing of Christianity, deeper by far than its loss of meaning, is Christian intolerance. * The burning of countless men, women and children for alleged witchcraft, without anything approaching a fair trial. * The often-fatal persecution of people who gave the real world precedence over Catholic doctrines; daring to suggest, among other things, that the Earth orbitted the Sun. The resultant retardation of scientific, technological and medicinal progress. * The destruction of thousands of families as parents and children witnessed their loved ones dragged off to be questioned by the Inquisition (of which there were several), and often murdered as a result. * The innumerable lives wasted, and the generations of people who have not been born as a direct result of these and other bloody massacres in the name of a merciful, loving, benevolent Christ. * The persecution of (and occasionally wars against) followers of other religions. * The corruption of Kings and politicians throughout the Dark Ages to ensure that the Church keeps a strangle-hold on the lives of the population. * The obliteration of indigenous cultures as the Church cut a swathe of destruction among "heathen" continents, taking their lives, property and wealth for itself. More:


Friedrich Nietzsche, that damn JEW!!! How about them wicked Romans: wiping out whole civilations at a time. And those ancient Chinese and Japanese, buring people alive, fighting wars over sheer pride and salughtering villages on a whim (and without even a trial). Perhaps we should attempt to seperate the Catholic church empire and ancient supersticions from the people as a whole. Southerner's in America owned slaves and treated them visciously for nearly 400 years. Shall we now hate all southerners forever...or did they change? Perhaps the people who did those thigs are all dead and gone and their empires and supersticions with them. And we should move on...and perhaps, like in a musuem or on TV;if you don't like what's there...move on to the next one.


A perfect example of christian tolerance and a great showoff of fascist, narrow minded stupidity. Yes, I guess it is better that you and your friends stay on your linux island. Have Phun


Obviously the sarcasm was well over your head. I, of course have no hatred of Jews, Romans (italians), or any other ethnic group (that much would be obvious from the company I keep if you could see them). I, myself, am Puerto Rican, and not some anglo, racist religious fanatic (as you seem to assume). My point was made in the last paragraph. I apologise for going over your head, and will endevor in the future not to do so in the future.


Don't bother trying to argue with these kids. They will need a few more years to mature before they have the ability to think for themselves. P.S. In time they will find God. Usually on their death bed.


Although the time of death is approaching me, I am not afraid of dying and going to Hell or (what would be considerably worse) going to the popularized version of Heaven. I expect death to be nothingness and, for removing me from all possible fears of death, I am thankful to atheism. --Isaac Asimov


...and let's allow Jesus Christ to give an illustration as to what happened after his foolish decision...Jesus told this as a recount of something that really happened...not a "parable"...: "The rich man also died and was buried. In hell, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. So he called to him, 'Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.' "But Abraham replied, 'Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.' "He answered, 'Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my father's house, for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.' "Abraham replied, 'They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.' " 'No, father Abraham,' he said, 'but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.' "He said to him, 'If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.' " Tim


One more thought... "'If they do not listen to Moses and the "Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.' " ...and by the way, Jesus DID rise from the dead...but as He said, if you won't accept the scriptures, that won't help you a bit. Tim


Hi Chris: I agree; I don't know how many times I've heard dad give testimonies of conversions in the trenches during WWII. "There are no atheists in foxholes". Tim


Compare all the atrocities that has ever been done in the name of religion to all the atrocities done not in the name of religion and you will see that religion has not been the major source of death and destruction in the world. On the whole, quite the opposite. This past century: 12 million mudered by the Nazis 11 million by Stalin countless millions in Cambodia by Pol Pot and the list goes on. Religion is like a knife. A knife can be a life saver in the hands of a surgeon, and a life taker in the hands of a murderer. Religion can be a great source of good in the hands of good people who follow it with the purpose of service to humanity, or a source of evil in the hands of people who choose to interpret it shall we say in a "different" way. The history of Christianity in the US stands in great contrast to the Medieval times.


...and if I'm not mistaken, Hitler (who did what he did as a result of his darwinian pursuasion) hijacked the Christian name and (ab)used it for his own ends. This is an example of the wrong use of religion. You know, I submit what I submit for other believers. This kind of stuff is just incidental; there are always going to be people who are angry at God, or percieved wrongs, etc. But what we all need to be careful of is making generalizations. That's why I'm CONSTANTLY finding myself trying to clarify what "Christianity" really is...because it has come to mean anyone who says they are a Christian or someone who was baptized as a child, or grew up in a Catholic church, etc., etc., etc... That's not it! You can tell that it's about anger because they aren't taking the time to notice that there are people here who are downloading my submissions. Lots of people saying that "noone will use it". I beg to differ! So, I think it's about anger more than anything else. Thanks for your comments. I appreciate it! Tim


this isnt as big of an issue as everyone is making it out to be, but there is a point here and that this is a website for KDE, posting a religious got christ wallpaper has no business here, especially when religion is a touchy subject, post your unrelated wallpaper on another website, lets try to keep this KDE/Linux orientated, no?


Good idea, let's rid ourselves of these Christian bigots! Those Linux bikini chicks, I can't stand those either! Give em the boot! As a matter of fact, what are photo's of people's girlfriends or backyards doing here? Let's make it simple: Either a gear or a "KDE" is OK, otherwise, GET IT OFF THIS SITE. THIS IS FOR KFE STUFF AND NOTHING ELSE! Those Darn censors!


there is a diffrence between censorship and stopping christian attempts to publish horrid work. The diffrence is they are using for a medium to spread their diseased ideals to the rest of the world. It seriously needs to stop. The quality of their work isnt even good, nor does it have to be. Christians will download anything with a finatic refrence. If we want the quality of work to improve here, then these wackos have to be stopped.


Well, I understand their intolerance and have seen it in many ways. They constsntly harass people who post art they disagree with here, then bombard their beliefs. Then they tell them to leave. I can't stand them. Who can bear such intolerance? Not me, that's for sure.


*diseased ideals* Let's see...the commandments that relate to people... Don't kill, Don't Steal, Don't covet, DOn't cheat on your wife, Respect your parents, Don't lie..... and on. WHich one of these is *diseased?* Tim


Believe without questions Do not use anti-conception Do not live together outside marriage Sex is bad (pardon the use of this direct language) Other kinds of people will burn in hell People who die young do so for a reason (aka they did something wrong)
I've been there, they try to make you feel guilty for breathing.


Thanks for clarifying, GVS, I appreciate that. Let's take a look at them: Believe without questions *** Scriptures don't teach this. I don't believe this. Do not use anti-conception *** This sounds like Catholicism, not evangelical Christianity. I don't agree with this. Do not live together outside marriage *** Yup. The bible is clear on this. Sex is bad (pardon the use of this direct language) *** Don't worry, no offense taken. God created sex for enjoyment and procreation between a man and his wife. Nothing bad about it. Other kinds of people will burn in hell *** Jesus tought that the only way to be saved is through the new birth. He tought that HE is the way and no one else. People who die young do so for a reason (aka they did something wrong) **** This is false teaching. CHrist himself dealt with something similar to this in the Gospel of John. We ALL have fallen short of the glory of GOd. WE are ALL sinners. The only question is have we recieved the forgiveness that God extends to us through Christ. You know, years ago I was into online porn, and some stuff that opened doors to the occult. I'm still here! God doesn't strike us dead for committing a sin. He shows us mercy by keeping us alive, and extends his Grace to us through the work of Christ. Forgive me if I'm wrong. I know more than a few beleivers who attend a Catholic church...but these teachings (except for two) don't reflect good bible teaching...just dogma. Thanks, and I hope this helps. Tim


is subjective. I personally don't like all the wallpapes I see on the site. I have posted a few that I'm sure others don't like as well. Just because this is offensive to some doesn't mean he shouldn't post here. Bashing his talent because it is offensive isn't critisizim, it's just bashing. Why not bash the guy who posted photos from his trip to CA. That didn't take much talent. I think they look good. Bottom line is: the message is offensive to some. If you don't like it don't use it! What is it about the bible that is so offensive. Is it not a historical manuscript? Or is it more? If it is just a book, why all the controversy?


Hi Alethia! Yes, I think there is more to it. WHy is it that "Jesus" is the name that is ok to run through the dirt but NOT bow to? Why don't people abuse the name of Buddah or thier wives? *There is something about that name* Jesus Christ is Lord. He is God come in human flesh, who died for us. HE's not popular because he violates the rules of "Tolerance"...He makes very exclusive claims and rightly so! In a day where we say there are a thousand ways to God, He says He is "THE way". To a tolerant community, that is blasphemy. But it's true! Tim


Can't anyone post anything here? Why on earth would ANYONE make a huge deal out of this? There is much more offensive stuff put out here. QUOTE: "make wallpapers about things that don't cause 80% of the worlds problems": What problems are you talking about!? If you don't like these wallpapers nobody's forcing you to view them. I am a Christian and I respect the guts timbrown has to stand up for what he believes. KUDOS to you timbrown!!


Thanks Abe! Although I "heard you the first time"!...(referencing the four *accidental* posts). I'm tempted to go on, but I won't. Maybe some other time. But thanks for your encouragement. It's a nice change from Ad Hominem attacks! Blessings, Tim

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