The Heavens Declare...

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The Psalms tell us that "The heavens declare the glory of God..." and I think that Wehrner Von Braun's observation is an allusion to this truth.

For others as myself, who believe in Christ, as well as creationists.

Done in the Gimp.
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Added second paper -- 12/10/03

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Another link to a slightly better quality original: I wonder if Tim read some of the accompanying text: Hubble Space Telescope observing time was devoted to making this panorama because the nebula is a vast laboratory for studying the processes which gave birth to our own Sun and solar system 4.5 billion years ago. The mosaic reveals at least 153 glowing protoplanetary disks (first discovered with the Hubble in 1992, and dubbed "proplyds") that are believed to be embryonic solar systems that will eventually form planets. (Our solar system has long been considered the relic of just such a disk that formed around the newborn Sun). The abundance of such objects in the Orion nebula strengthens the argument that planet formation is a common occurrence in the universe. Ironic isn't it? The subject of your wallpaper casts some serious doubts on the Earth/Universe being created in 6 days.


For those who like the background image without the rubish that Tim pasted onto it the original can be found at:


And what is it that put America in the forefront of the nuclear nations? And what is it that will make it possible to spend 20 billion dollars of your money to put some clown on the moon? Well, it was good old American know-how, that's what. As provided by good old Americans like Dr. Wernher von Braun. Gather round while I sing you of Wernher von Braun, A man whose allegiance Is ruled by expedience. Call him a Nazi, he won't even frown. "Ha, Nazi Schmazi," says Wernher von Braun. Don't say that he's hypocritical, Say rather that he's apolitical. "Once the rockets are up, who cares where they come down? That's not my department," says Wernher von Braun. Some have harsh words for this man of renown, But some think our attitude Should be one of gratitude, Like the widows and cripples in old London town Who owe their large pensions to Wernher von Braun. You too may be a big hero, Once you've learned to count backwards to zero. "In German oder English I know how to count down, Und I'm learning Chinese," says Wernher von Braun. Thank you! While your proselytizing is tedious, I thank you for reminding me of a very, very funny professor of mathematics. Do you know all the elements? Can you recite them WITHOUT following the tune of "Modern Major General"?


For those who like the background image without the rubish that Tim pasted onto it the original can be found at:


bullshit of a wallpaper, bullshit ofa message. this aint your place tim. and that you dont reply to negative posts just totally proves your ignorance.

lightnin this wallpaper was already on this site. he just added text. I've keept silent on his postings until now, i thought he was just a troll. But he's still around, pissing some people off. This junk is blatant rip-offs of other people's work and usually borders on being indecent. von Braun was a Nazi too, but he did do a lot of work for Nasa after the war. He lived in Alabama from 1950-70. He directed the technical development of the U.S. Army's ballistic missile program at Redstone Arsenal, and then he was Director of the Marshall Space Flight Center. I guess first and foremost he was a rocket-junkie. but still, this wall paper could be put together by a 4 year old, just like the rest of them.


All I see here is ego, and someone getting his friends to respond to his spammish postings. So young. So foolish. So full of himself. So sadly unashamed. Its all about Tim.


I don't think Tim is young. And it may not all be about ego. I get the impression Tim does this partly because he sinned in the past, as a way of doing penance. Maybe he hopes that all sins will be forgiven if he spreads "The Word". Of course it would be silly if that would be the way it worked. It would for example mean that someone who committed a crime but turned to God wouldn't be punished while non-religious people who lived good and honourable lives would end up in hell.


It may sound silly but it is true. Living religiously means nothing unless we repent and believe the Lord Jesus Christ.


Ah I see. Good to know if I ever loose my temper and kill a few people.


To take this person seriously (and for a good laugh), see what else the heavens (and its 'scientists') declared: (don't think its a fake website)


man that is some funny stuff, it kinda seems like a joke to me, but if it isnt, all the more funny.


I wouldn't expect a response. It seems that horrific ratings and a good comment or two are enough to keep him at it. I wish KDE-Look would do something about this, as it is very annoying. Many people have said this before, but these wallpapers are ugly for one, but most importantly, not creative. They are just an unoriginal image with a God quote slapped on in a hideous font. These are not eyecandy and they are most certainly not creative. Take a look at the "Highest Rated" wallpapers Tim, they include all original artwork in creative and stylish themes. In addition, some of the wallpapers you have submitted may be EXTREMELY offensive to some, especially one of your latest, the anti-abortion one. I'm sorry Tim, but that was your most distasteful creation yet. You have no business posting something like that on this site. This site is NOT an outlet for your religious propaganda and your personal convictions regarding abortion should be kept to yourself. You ask people not to flame, yet you post a anti-abortion wallpaper. That is probably the issue that people have the strongest convictions about, in case you haven't noticed. I think I speak for many when I say, clean up your act or stop posting (in case you didn't get the picture from the ratings and comments you receive).


The truth hurts! Look at Tim, he's not affected in any way you try to put him down. Maybe he knows he's in the truth. I guess those people against Tim realizes he's showing the truth and they who are against him are not in the truth therefore making schemes to make him a liar and attacks him personally instead of criticizing his artwork.


Look at Tim, he's not affected in any way you try to put him down. Maybe he knows he's in the truth. Of course he can also just be a fool who chooses to ignore comments that he doesn't like. Believing in "Truth" is no requirement for spamming. By the way: which verion of "the Truth" are we talking about? There seem to be different versions.


When it comes to religion, there is no truth. Its all what you believe. I just wanted to know, if he loves this religion so much, why does he insist on putting us off to it? Hes doing it no good. If everyone is like Tim Brown I definatly don't want to be a part of it, or even take anything he says as the "truth." Could he just explain this? Or is he too afraid (or just has nothing to say)


Please Tim, explain this to me. Why don't you ever contribute to except to submit these horrible wallpapers that you KNOW will get bad ratings? I've never seen you comment on something if it wasn't yours or some other religious propoganda. Could it be because you are more interested in putting OFF people to God than you are in art? Please don't ignore this post.


He wont reply to this or any other comment that isn't a direct compliment or an opportunity to expound on his beliefs... I put several questions to him regarding his behaviour and he has declined to respond :-(


Hello Tim, this is God. You know me, the one you talk to (and about) all the time. I would like you to calm down a bit. I mean, I am not an anti-converting-people guy, but your attempts are making people turn away from me. You are acting with all the faith of a newly-converted, and we all know how annoying they can be. Take care, God


After anti abortionnists,... After fundies of all kind,... After anti gay wedding,... After pro catholic middle ages life style freaks,... Guess what: The EX NAZI SCIENTIST!!!!! (This guy is responsible for the V1 and V2 Missiles that helped Hitler bomb England during ww2)


Text looks good with a transparent background. I'd like some another "space-photo" more, but the combination of background, text and potrait is good.


Hi Tim, Once again a wallpaper that is rubish. Just a picture from NASA (I guess) to which some text and a picture of Wehrner von Braun is added. It looks like one of those touristy postcards. You could at least make an effort to be a little artistic. I guess massproduction is more important to you then quality.


Still trolling I see. Strangely quiet though... Seems like you not only want to post wallpapers on one subject, but you only reply to favourable comments or questions that suit you.....


Tim does an excellent job of replying to those that ask intelligent questions. Why would he even bother with those who have nothing better to say than, "you suck"???


for the sake of debate "superior rationality" is left undefined and leaves the field wide open as to what the nature of that rational superiority is. it's all a great big beautiful mystery and will always be. ???????

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