Made with Blender 2.32 and the GIMP 2.0I haven't still found a font fitting to this wallpaper, so please post a comment with a link or something like this to the fontIf you want the wallpaper without the text, click on the second screenshot and save the picture(It's in 1280x1024)I'm a newbie so please post comments saying how to improve this.Sorry for my poor English, I'm German.
Ratings & Comments
Thanks to the comments, I'll pick up tkdesign's idea with the brushed metal. It'll come soon.
good job with gimp, it's a fantastic program and your wallpaper looks very nice! tkdesign :-)
improve the background using brushed metal or other effects like gradient. :-)
I updated it now... here it is: thanks for your suggestion it helped me. please post comments suggesting me how to improve