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* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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Ratings & Comments
a nice wallpaper with religious meaning [I myself believe only in love and peace not god (maybe for some of you its the same)] .. so why should i vote bad or critisize its creator .. Thx! for this image love and peace Da FloW
All roads lead to Rome?
As one of the "mindless sheep", allow me to "regurgitate" that I enjoyed a change of pace from the common wallpaper "drivel" posted with Tux. Thank you !
Well tim.... your art gets better but my opinion still doesnt change... i belive you post these wallpapers for attention and it works you get 20+ comments on many of your posts... If that is your motive (i belive it is)Then you have some things to think about. I mean sure your telling the word of christ. ( wonderful thing btw ) But there comes a point where it is a little mutch i mean yo the point of being annoying. Im not even going to say post some place else your to darn stubbern...
LOOK! With as many forums as there are to preach to the mindless sheep who would love to regurgitate this inane drivel. DO IT SOME PLACE ELSE! Not to mention this site has taken on so many "five minute GIMP" jobs its degrading the value of the overall site. And then the non-thinking parrot heads get into the mix and really screw it up! WTF Let's bring the value of this site up and post only worth while efforts of creative thinking.
Wow!!!! Thanks for opening my eyes!! I now realize that it is YOU that I should be listening to. I'm glad I found the REAL be-all-end-all omniscient being of everything!! (/sarcasm) In all seriousness, there are many others here that this caters to. If it doesn't to you, regardless if you have to go in and see who posted it, move on. You may choose not to want this, but don't make that decision for those who do. Nuff said...
I like it for the most part. The star is cut off at the top and the tux is a little blurry. A little tweaking wold make it better. Keep it up
Well, you probably know what I think about the message. Morover, in this case, the wallpaper itself does not communicate the message. Taken the wallpaper alone, I would reply 'Well, I can get to California by other means than Jesus'. The message only becomes clear when one reads your 'only one way to heaven'-comment, which is only found on kde-look (and possibly some other websites you posted this wallpaper to). The problem I have with this is that it seems like you didn't put this wallpaper here in order to upload a wallpaper, but to spread your belief - and I don't think kde-look is meant that way.