Embrace the Son

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For those who know and love Jesus Christ, who called Himself the Living Water and the Light of the World.

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Embrace the son, who is also God, who is also the holy spirit. You and your likes are extremely confused...


Actually, this is a very common misconception that Christians believe that the Son is the Father, or that the Father is the Spirit, etc. The Scriptural presentation is that there are three seperate persons, with distinct personalities, that share one being. It is necessary here to distinguish between the terms "being" and "person." It would be a contradiction, obviously, to say that there are three beings within one being, or three persons within one person. So what is the difference? We clearly recognize the difference between being and person every day. We recognize what something is, yet we also recognize individuals within a classification. That is, we recognize both "what" and "who" when we talk about a person. The doctrine of the Trinity is simply that there is one eternal being of God - indivisible, infinite. This one being of God is shared by three co-equal, co-eternal persons, the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. Hopefully this clears up your confusion.


So...god is schizophrenic?


Is it seriously your position that one being sharing 3 actuall personalities is the SAME as a being sharing 3 mental personalities?


I was under the impression that the term 'personality' included a mind. Thus, the term 'mental personality' strikes me as redundant. If there is an actual difference between what you mean by 'actual personality' and 'mental personality', explain. Anyway, a being sharing three personalities is commonly called 'schizophrenic'.


When I say personality, I'm refering to the quality of being a unique person. Now while technically schizophrenia is defined as "any of a group of psychotic disorders characterized by progressive deterioration of the personality, withdrawal from reality, hallucinations, delusions, social apathy, emotional instability, etc," I knew what you were refering too. It is commonly called Multiple Personality Disorder, not schizophrenia. MPD is defined as "The existence of two or more distinct personalities, each of which is dominant at a given time. The dominant personality determines the individual's behavior. Each personality has a consistent pattern of perceiving the environment and self." Now since MPD is a mental disorder, in which only one personality at a time is manifest and dominant, and is typicly conflicting with the other personalities, this is obviously not applicaple to the definition of the Triune God. The doctrine of Trinity posits that all three persons are co-equal, co-existent, and in agreement. All three are aware of each other. All three are manifest at the same time. All three are equal in dominance. Now my point before was that people with MPD have 2 or more mental personalities. That is to say, the personalities exhibited are attributable to a mental disorder which is internal. This is not the same as three actuall personalities which are not strictly internal, but are outwardly manifest in thier unique persons. Therefore, you either did not understand the definition of the Trinity as offered, or were attempting demeaning humor (with lack of any connection to the context of my definition) which, in the context of religious discussion is commonly called bigotry. In that case, your behavior is uncalled for. So I hope that this was just a misunderstanding on your part. Cheers!


I'm not an expert, but I'm reasonably sure that there is a form of schizophrenia where a body hosts two or more personalities simultaneously. It doesn't really matter what name you call it, though. Three minds in one person qualifies as 'weird' in my book. Whatever. As I understood the term 'trinity', it could be paraphrased as 'unity of three', so it's in its nature that it is one as well as three. It is obvious that logics don't have a place here, so any discussion about it will ultimately end in vain.


I always think it's amusing that Christians are always complaining about "athiests" and whatnot infringing on their rights and yada yada yada. But how many athiest/agnostic tout bumper stickers with their idealism on it? How many wear tee shirts proclaiming their rightness and how people need to change? How many have jewelry that reminds everyone around how "great" their beliefs are? How many come up and try to evangelise you? Exactly. So I'm not suprised that it's a Christian who just can't bear not to take a forum about an operating system and turn it into a display for his belief system. Not that I really care, it happens everyday/everywhere. But it doesn't suprise me.


Nuthin' to add... *g*


1. I have seen atheistic bumper stickers. I ignore them. 2. This wallpaper is posted and marked in the description as for believers. The Name is "Embrace the Son". It would have been simple to not click on the link to this page. It was your choice. 3. You have the choice of ignoring the message. The gospel is offered, and you are free to ignore it. 4. As far as general evangelism, Jesus DID say that His followers are to "Go and make disciples...". People complain of hypocrites in the church. Well, If I don't obey what Christ commanded, then that would make me a hypocrite! -- tim


Let's hope you can equally impress with your future behaviour too. On a more artistic bent, this is a much more usable wallpaper imho as the lack of clutter is far less distracting. I'm far more a fan of 'clean & simple' wallpapers....


I'll ignore the reference to "behavior"; That is just plain inflammatory. HOWEVER, I DO appreciate your SPECIFIC comments about this particular submission. Blessings to you, Tim


That is just plain inflammatory. Chill man. Play nice and others will respond in kind...


Let's hope you can equally impress with your future behaviour too. On a more artistic bent, this is a much more usable wallpaper imho as the lack of clutter is far less distracting. I'm far more a fan of 'clea & simple' wallpapers....


That's a lot better. Well done.


Tim, great improvement!! Finally some decent feedback too :-) Let's see some more like this. (or better) One thing I find interesting, and not to start a fight in light of this positive feedback, but they can accept a short text like this but not quote from a rocket scientist? :-) Just thought that was interesting...


Tim, you are showing your talents...at last. Very good work, I even like the text. It's a great improve compared to your all-similar textbox-wallpapers. Keep up this high level of true artwork! :)


Thanks for the good word and I'll see what I can do! Tim


its better than before, still not quite what id put on my desktop though, thats just cause im after bright rich blue with green or similar, makes a desktop feel fresh :)


Hey Muttox, I'll keep that in mind for something in the future. Tim


Tim, I must say this is the best that I have seen! It totally caught my eye. Wonderful textures, and it is a nice change from the static gradients of before. You have raised the bar. Thanks again...you've got my vote!


Thanks, Slackdude. Actually, it was a bit accidental, just a result of playing around a little one afternoon with the new release of Gimp. Blessings, Tim


Tim, Although I made the "Satan Loves You" wallpaper (as a joke), I must admit you are improving. I also appreciate your moderation (only posting the best?). Nice work.


Nah, I daresay you get that impression because by now two out of three of his wallpapers have dropped under the 30% treshold...


Well, you know, I appreciate your feedback! Tim

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