Angelina Jolie Ubuntu Wallpaper
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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Ratings & Comments
Robux, you downloadink fail ....
Hi! Why didn't you use the KUbuntu symbol? You know Ubuntu uses Gnome, don't you? :-) Hugs
Scusi Seniore, he can use what ever he whant ! If he use Ubuntu Sysbol, he use it.. dammed.. let him go ! If it is not you feelings then s.. u.. ! Oky.. He make'd the Picture, not you.. Oky, i fint it realy nice idea.. Do you bring anywhat to KDE-Look oky, then we whant speak furter.. and the rest of it sh.. u. if you did whant say anywhat negative.... PeAsE Blackcrack p.s.: robux, Take the Vista Symbol *harharhar*
Why did you so boring? That was only a suggestion to do another version of the wallpaper. And last, but not the least, I agree that "he can use what ever he whant !" :-) Regards!