*GO HERE FOR DOWNLOAD* http://members.lycos.co.uk/houseofblade/loply/finals/A wallpaper I whipped up as an excuse to test a modelling technique.Credit to Dave for his "Metal K" which this is basically a copy of.You can get it with black or blue "K" and on blue or gray background. If you want the PSD or Max files email me (still waiting for enough FTP space for uploads!).*IMPORTANT* See the URL/Download link for all colors/versions.
Ratings & Comments
Worked now, filesize too big. Dodgy error messages though! One thing: DONT DOWNLOAD THE FLIPPING SCREENSHOTS! Follow the link for high res versions.
Seems something on the server is knacked. Wont accept the screenshot properly. Ahh well, go to the link (http://members.lycos.co.uk/houseofblade/loply/finals/) you can browse em :)
The PHP script on kde-look.org barfed on me and hasnt uploaded the screenshots properly! Wtf.