Koenigstein Sundial
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Ratings & Comments
don't worry what people tell you. it's a nice shot. yes, the picture could be better with better equipment and preparation. but like you said, you're a tourist, not a pro. i like this picture, actually.
In my honest opinion this could be better. As a photographer myself I would highly suggest the use of a tripod for night time photography as the image displayed is blurred to much. Also there is a lot of grain, if you are using digital then try changing the settings of the camera to a lower ISO, if it's film then the same applies. Lower ISO less grain, only drawback is the longer the exposure time, which come sback to the use of a triod, or at least something to rest the camera on. Take notice of the composition, the crane protruding from the right hand side is an eyesore and does nothing for the picture.
OK, agreed. But - it was 1999 and digital photography was in its infancy, so this is a plain old photo. Secondly, this was scanned from the photo, I don't have a film scanner. And yes, this was taken without a tripod. But hey, I was a plain tourist, I am not a professional photographer. I know the picture is not perfect but still someone might enjoy it.