luzern sky
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© 2025 /s/Cinnamon - Eyecandy for your Cinnamon Desktop
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Ratings & Comments
You don't need -mcpu if you use -march. -O2 and -fomit-frame-pointer are also cool to have. And -pipe to speed up compilation process.
... the anal retentive jerk, I'd like to note that you can do that (the gcc flags) on any linux distro.
of course you can ... but in archlinux it's a i686 optimized binary distro and everything is built with these flags
um, -mcpu=i686 is redundant if one is already using -march=i686. On the other hand, archlinux is blatantly elitest. On their own about page: "Arch Linux is an i686-optimized linux distribution targeted at competent linux users". That's sick. Personally I feel that your wallpaper lacks originality, and posseses the same baseless elitest attitude as the distro it represents. Do you also realize that "-march=i486 -mcpu=i686" produces code of equal optimization to "-march=i686"? The only difference is binary size. You shouldn't publicize strong opinions about things you don't understand, especially as an elitest.