I tried XFCE and got impressed by it's speed. But after a while I found out that it was unusable for my purpose.
So I made this wallpaper, more to convince myself to stay with Gnome (slow but functional).
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Ratings & Comments
I bet you someone will hate you saying that Gnome is slow, although it is compared to xfce. But you know, speed and usability are two of Gnome.org's main concearns and they are doing a lot of great work to make sure that a) Gnome 2 runs and loads a hell lot faster than Gnome 1, b) that usability is still the key, and not flash graphics and bells and whistles. (I notice that most people who actually use a computer for the sake of accomplishing a task turn off all the glam that they can, so to save processing power, ram, etc. I see people who use windows even turn off the XP default theme in favor of using the old 98-esque theme, one that I like to refer to 'unusable gray boxes') c) that Gnome doesn't do for Linux what Vista will do for Windows... who's going to use an OS that takes over a Gig of ram and a 3Ghz computer just to make it look nice. Come on. Seriously, I think that Gnome.org has their values strait: Gnome looks very attractive, focuses on usability and is often very - innovative. So, yeah, looking forward to Gnome 2. P.S. Pretty neat wallpaper. Use Gnome.
I totally agree with you. Maybe people that rated me bad misunderstood me, I'm not complaining.about Gnome speed. Not at all. Important part of it is that it IS actually functional. And we both agree usuability is what people (Including me) seek.
Well how about removing it totally from there, or maybe changing it to something like: "My favorite desktop environment" or "My desktop environment of choice" or something? Nice wallpaper though!