Description: This banner has been seen in Rome. Believe it or not, Italian Ex Prime Minister, Mr. Silvio Berlusconi said during the campaign for the 2006 elections that all the people not voting for him are d**kheads. In the end he lost and someone just decided to send the insult back to the sender.
This is dedicated to all the italian people on gnome-look.
You could have taken a better picture of the poster, I guess, and it would be OK. This is not a background, this is a photo, and not the artistic kind of photo that can be considered wallpaper, but an ordinary photo suitable for newspaper.
ok, you didn't vote for him... so why do you tell me i'm a d**kass? just because this is OT? and about the remove thing.... well, let me think about it....
uhm... ok. NO WAY! good try, though. :D
ok maybe some italian guy could find that picture fummy (not me, btw), but what's the reason for posting it here? it is completely useless! i think that it should be removed as soon as possible.
p.s. i still think that b. was right when saying that only a moron votes agains his own interestes.
Dear Emanuele Toscano, the point is that a prime minister saying who's not voting for him is a moron is something i'd never want to see or hear in a democratic country.
he ditn't say anything like that! he said that voting agains your own interestes is stupid, and i agree with that, even if i didn't vote for b.
regarding that picture about mister B, it is just stupid and useless as this one:
Berlusconi's interests are NOT the same as those of Italian people.
And, as far as I know, everyone's opinion should be respected and nobody has the right to call you t*at because of your choices.
Nice Wallpaper. Opensource is about freedom, which encompasses also the freedom of choice and of expressing yourself. Therefore I think this wallpaper should not be removed.
Please don't let these few blind fools get you down... the community doesn't need people ignoring the fact, that the opensource movement is based on freedom and tolerance.
yeah right, that's the same old story, berlusconi says something, and someone starts a flame about it. go on if you like to i'm tired of it.
but please don't try tell me that you are actually using that picture on your desktop, that would be masochism :D
please get that stupid pic out of this website, it is completely off topic and irritating (as you can see). and it is not so funny too, it's just a lame pic as the one i have posted before.
>Yeah right, that's the same old story, berlusconi says something, and someone starts a flame about it. go on if you like to i'm tired of it.
a flame, uh? maybe he should think 100 times before saying d**head to half of his own country (slightly more than half, actually, THANK GOD! :D)
>but please don't try tell me that you are actually using that picture on your desktop, that would be masochism :D
no, if YOU were using it it would be masochism. You bet i'm using it, and it brightens my day! and i have the feeling i'm not alone! :D
>please get that stupid pic out of this website, it is completely off topic and irritating (as you can see). and it is not so funny too, it's just a lame pic as the one i have posted before.
i don't think it's irritating. people are just expressing their point of view. it's called democracy, sweetheart.
maybe it can be irritating for those who lost the elections and still don't want to admit it, still wanting to recount, and recount, and recount after a month from the elections. HA! bye bye, baby, good luuuck! :D
Although not being Italian I watched the whole theatre from outside and I have to admit, I'm happy for the Italians to have managed to get rid of Sig. Berlusconi :D
We all know, Berlusconi is evil, it's good he's been defeated, the world is a better place now etc etc. I keep not understanding what has this to do with and themes.
>We all know, Berlusconi is evil, it's good he's been defeated, the world is a better place now etc etc. I keep not understanding what has this to do with and themes.
sorry, but if you're so interested in gnome themes and other stuff, i keep not understanding what is still keeping you glued to this page. :)
Ratings & Comments
Great wallpaper! :-)
aahahhahahahah soooooooooo funny :D
sorry, but isnt the right translation for coglinone "ASSHOLE" ?! ;)
not really. 'coglione' is vulgar for 'testicle'
You could have taken a better picture of the poster, I guess, and it would be OK. This is not a background, this is a photo, and not the artistic kind of photo that can be considered wallpaper, but an ordinary photo suitable for newspaper.
you're absolutely right, but i'm not the author of the picture.
the real dork here is the one ho has post taht image... bye. scsate se ve lo dico l'unico coglione qui è colui che ha postato :D
ehehehehehehe!!! you voted for him, didn't you? bad boy... :D hai votato per lui, eh? a bello! a rosicone!! :D
no i don't but this is not the right place... then pls remove it.
ok, you didn't vote for him... so why do you tell me i'm a d**kass? just because this is OT? and about the remove thing.... well, let me think about it.... uhm... ok. NO WAY! good try, though. :D
ok maybe some italian guy could find that picture fummy (not me, btw), but what's the reason for posting it here? it is completely useless! i think that it should be removed as soon as possible. p.s. i still think that b. was right when saying that only a moron votes agains his own interestes.
Dear Emanuele Toscano, the point is that a prime minister saying who's not voting for him is a moron is something i'd never want to see or hear in a democratic country.
he ditn't say anything like that! he said that voting agains your own interestes is stupid, and i agree with that, even if i didn't vote for b. regarding that picture about mister B, it is just stupid and useless as this one:
he didn't what?? LOL!! you too are a victim of the spell! (anche tu sei vittima dell'incantesimo!)
Berlusconi's interests are NOT the same as those of Italian people. And, as far as I know, everyone's opinion should be respected and nobody has the right to call you t*at because of your choices. Nice Wallpaper. Opensource is about freedom, which encompasses also the freedom of choice and of expressing yourself. Therefore I think this wallpaper should not be removed.
Nice to see I'm not the only one here thinking, that this wp should definitely NOT be removed. Thank you :)
he didn't what?? LOL!! you too are a victim of the spell! (anche tu sei vittima dell'incantesimo!)
Please don't let these few blind fools get you down... the community doesn't need people ignoring the fact, that the opensource movement is based on freedom and tolerance.
yeah right, that's the same old story, berlusconi says something, and someone starts a flame about it. go on if you like to i'm tired of it. but please don't try tell me that you are actually using that picture on your desktop, that would be masochism :D please get that stupid pic out of this website, it is completely off topic and irritating (as you can see). and it is not so funny too, it's just a lame pic as the one i have posted before.
>Yeah right, that's the same old story, berlusconi says something, and someone starts a flame about it. go on if you like to i'm tired of it. a flame, uh? maybe he should think 100 times before saying d**head to half of his own country (slightly more than half, actually, THANK GOD! :D) >but please don't try tell me that you are actually using that picture on your desktop, that would be masochism :D no, if YOU were using it it would be masochism. You bet i'm using it, and it brightens my day! and i have the feeling i'm not alone! :D >please get that stupid pic out of this website, it is completely off topic and irritating (as you can see). and it is not so funny too, it's just a lame pic as the one i have posted before. i don't think it's irritating. people are just expressing their point of view. it's called democracy, sweetheart. maybe it can be irritating for those who lost the elections and still don't want to admit it, still wanting to recount, and recount, and recount after a month from the elections. HA! bye bye, baby, good luuuck! :D
Although not being Italian I watched the whole theatre from outside and I have to admit, I'm happy for the Italians to have managed to get rid of Sig. Berlusconi :D
We all know, Berlusconi is evil, it's good he's been defeated, the world is a better place now etc etc. I keep not understanding what has this to do with and themes.
>We all know, Berlusconi is evil, it's good he's been defeated, the world is a better place now etc etc. I keep not understanding what has this to do with and themes. sorry, but if you're so interested in gnome themes and other stuff, i keep not understanding what is still keeping you glued to this page. :)
please keep politics and related things outsite this site.
have you forgotten, that the whole opensource philosophy is pure politics, too? or did you simply not understand this?