Description: The reasoning behind this background is to represent an idea of a unified Ubuntu, one where (g)Ubuntu, Xubuntu and Kubuntu can share a common look and feel.
This background was designed for the proposed Ubuntu 6.10 theme, "Hybrid."
Ok, so this is my first submission and I'm still working out some kinks in it. For some reason the main .svg file isn't rendering properly in Firefox.
hmm....I don't suppose there's a way to post this background for KDE-look, XFCE-look and Gnome-look all in one fell swoop, eh? Or do I just have to submit it three times?
The "real" ubuntu logo's in there already ;)
If you don't like something, feel free to edit the SVG file, however the whole point is to show a unified ubuntu, not specific sub-distros ;)
Ratings & Comments
Ok, so this is my first submission and I'm still working out some kinks in it. For some reason the main .svg file isn't rendering properly in Firefox. -Derick
hmm....I don't suppose there's a way to post this background for KDE-look, XFCE-look and Gnome-look all in one fell swoop, eh? Or do I just have to submit it three times?
Please can you make a versio with no logos ? or just the real ubuntu logo Thanks you
The "real" ubuntu logo's in there already ;) If you don't like something, feel free to edit the SVG file, however the whole point is to show a unified ubuntu, not specific sub-distros ;)