A collection of mine of various gnome and nature related artworks I've found in places. All of them are 1280 x 1024 or more, unless they are in the "undersized" folders, in which case they are less than 1280 x 1024. Of course, there's the occasional slip up, and a undersized one gets put in the main folder, but for the most part, I keep it well sorted

Although I don't recall exactly where each one came from, I know it's OK to distribute them

If you see one that you made and would like specific credit for it, or would like one of yours removed (or added), leave a comment with your name and the filename of your picture.
Ratings & Comments
Hi, nice collection, But, I'm half autor some of this pictures, and I see You break license. You can redistribute my wallpapapers but it must be write Licence or link to license text, and first of all You must add autor name with related file name (wallpaer file). I'm happy You like my arts, but You must obey License.
well, then can you pick out which ones are yours and tell me so I can credit you, or remove them if you wish :)