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© 2025 /s/Cinnamon - Eyecandy for your Cinnamon Desktop
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Ratings & Comments
Nice ~ 100%
Very well Done. Nudity is not porn or even close to it. This is very tasteful. Sorry for the unreasonable judgment you experienced for this.
are all the comment posters here "GAY" or what !! This is a wonderful naked girl !! And since when are naked girls "Bad" ?
I can tell some of you live a very sheltered life calling this porn. Does any of you even know what porn is? (Those that oppose this only please.) Look back through Greek statues and art, and I am sure you will find things much worst than this and it was just fine for them. To some of us...nudity is an art and not porn. It is people like you that make it that way...not us. Like I said...if you do not like it...vote it down. If it is not your cup of tea...do not download it. My friend there is no one dragging you off the street into a church that you do not like...nor is there anyone forcing you to download or even look at this....it is your choice. This world does not need censorship. But rather understanding of one's freedoms!
This is utterly ridiculous and I totally agree with brute! This is NOT "porn" - what childishness! And this is NOT going to give Linux a "bad name" either! It is much more likely that those of you who are ranting against this beautiful art are giving Linux a "bad name" by being so prejudiced and immature. Linux is about freedom of expression - and what the heck is so wrong about this expression??? You people who treat this subject matter as filthy or disgusting are the very ones who so subtly turn something absolutely gorgeous and artsy into something that people become ashamed of or think is low class etc ... Nudism and the art of capturing the human body in an artistic fashion is nothing new to the human race and it was once the epitome of civilization and something we human beings were proud of - and now? ... why has it all of a sudden become an item to loath and reject? I think this is a fantastic wallpaper in the way that it says that the Linux community is not full of namby-pamby milk-n-cookies geeks in their parents basements, but that we are an extremely diverse community who are not, and have no need to be, afraid of displaying some flare. We are a community of human beings, not just of stuck up business people who toss a tongue in the direction of anything that is not in suit and tie. As far as Windows wallpapers with nude women - There are HEAPS! - Mac ones too, for that matter.
This is utterly ridiculous and I totally agree with brute! This is NOT "porn" - what childishness! And this is NOT going to give Linux a "bad name" either! It is much more likely that those of you who are ranting against this beautiful art are giving Linux a "bad name" by being so prejudiced and immature. Linux is about freedom of expression - and what the heck is so wrong about this expression??? You people who treat this subject matter as filthy or disgusting are the very ones who so subtly turn something absolutely gorgeous and artsy into something that people become ashamed of or think is low class etc ... Nudism and the art of capturing the human body in an artistic fashion is nothing new to the human race and it was once the epitome of civilization and something we human beings were proud of - and now? ... why has it all of a sudden become an item to loath and reject? I think this is a fantastic wallpaper in the way that it says that the Linux community is not full of namby-pamby milk-n-cookies geeks in their parents basements, but that we are an extremely diverse community who are not, and have no need to be, afraid of displaying some flare. We are a community of human beings, not just of stuck up business people who toss a tongue in the direction of anything that is not in suit and tie. As far as Windows wallpapers with nude women - There are HEAPS! - Mac ones too, for that matter.
I personally do not like that wallpaper I also do not see anything wrong with it.
Come on guys, just because you do not like it....well that is your opinion. But telling them they give Linux a bad name...what is up with that. I guess if they put this woman on a Window wallpaper it would give Windows a bad name also? Linux is about freedom and the freedom to be creative...and to come up with new ideas. My advice for those of you who do not like it....Don't download it! You can vote down because it is freedom that allows you to do that, but don't say this gives Linux a bad name.
Ok, sorry, you're right!
It does, keep the porn on the porn sites! Not here!
Yes it would give Windows a bad name... you'll notice there aren't any with windows. Google image search "Linux" and there's porn on the first page, google image search "windows" and there isn't any porn if you go through the whole list that google has, (both results are with safe search off)
It makes Linux users seem like perverts!
It's people like you who give Linux a bad name!
Exactly my opinion, stop posting sick wallpapers like this!
"Sick wallpaper" ??? Roman Catholic theologians debated for centuries whether sex with one's wife or sex with one's mistress was the more evil. THAT is SICK! Thomas Aquinas argued things about heterosexual desire that are truly preposterous. Its no wonder priests prefer little boys and no wonder people can't recognize normalcy. Why should you accept/expound their twisted definition of "morality" even for an instant? Its all very sad.
Yeah... this has to stop, opendesktop.org should block this
Who is gonna write a support mail?