I WILL UPDATE THIS WP UNTIL THE %!*$#?* WHOSE PLAYING WITH VOTES (with a virtual machine, as it seems that everybody knows here) STOP OR HAVE SOME BALLS (I am not sure of that) AND LEAVE OR SEND ME A MESSAGE.Sorry for the inconvenient.---------------------------------constructivevolution 1 : Kites, Sand and Sea---------------------------------Influenced by Kandinsky and generally by the Bauhaus http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bauhaus| Musical Accompanimentmade in Belgium : http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xwran_arno-vive-ma-liberte-1993_music?search_algo=2| wp Resolutions :16:9_____2560 x 1440 px16:10____2560 x 1600 px---------------------------------Dedicated to our friend Pàl
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