Break Away from Windows
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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Ratings & Comments
Hey cmost, I'd like to see what it looks like without the canvas effect. Can you post it here please? Thanks.
I would be happy to post larger resolution versions of this image. I believe the "fuzziness" you are experiencing is indeed from the canvas effect, as I began the project in native 1024x768 resolution. I used the canvas effect because it gave the most realistic overall effect when the jigsaw puzzle filter was applied. Thanks for the positive feedback. At first I was worried someone would flame me for creating an image that was a knockoff of another one on this site. That one inspired this one. Stay tuned, I have a few more cynical images in the works.
Glad to see some one take the idea that I had and do some thing different with it. You took a different approach from what I was thinking, but that's what is great about the GPL. I like what you've done and it's still unique.
though I like the idea of your wallpaper it's much to "fuzzy" to get on my desktop. it's contrast with overlaying items (like karamba themes) is still worse than with regular items!
I'm guessing it's probably the canvas effect that's causing the blurry look. Or, are you scaling it up to a higher resolution? Maybe cmost can make a few higher res ones. I'd like a 1280x1024 and a 1600x1200. BTW cmost, nice job. Keep up the great cynicism :-)