Description: Very simple, blue background... Fire in your heart and fire in your mind... But really, when all comes to all, look into the sky at night and see: All is calm. Never mind, I'm just rambling here Have a look and tell me if you like it. Designed to work with KDE with the Desktop menu/ mac style menus enabled.
Well, when it comes to doing stuff like this, knowing your way around the GIMP sure helps ;) It is, in fact, rendered. The creation was very simple: Make a torus using a 3D program, render it as wireframe, motionblur it in the GIMP, find a Filter>Render>Natural>Flame that looks right and do it, then make it transparent and put a blue-ish alien map on top of it. Then just put on the text, and you're done :) Very simple, but it works nicely (using it on my own desktop, for which it was made in the first place ;) )
Ratings & Comments
Everything fits nicely, very fluid.
if this were rendered, instead of hand-drawn, it would be awesome...(if it is rendered, my compilements to you!)
Well, when it comes to doing stuff like this, knowing your way around the GIMP sure helps ;) It is, in fact, rendered. The creation was very simple: Make a torus using a 3D program, render it as wireframe, motionblur it in the GIMP, find a Filter>Render>Natural>Flame that looks right and do it, then make it transparent and put a blue-ish alien map on top of it. Then just put on the text, and you're done :) Very simple, but it works nicely (using it on my own desktop, for which it was made in the first place ;) )
Really, really nice :)
The wallpaper is decent, but the name doesn't reall fit the schizophrenic squiggles.