Angelina Jolie Ubuntu Wallpaper
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Ratings & Comments
I don't know about this. I don't agree with the rather inappropriate wallpapers that are sometimes associated with ubuntu wallpapers, but I don't think it is right to blame ubuntu (on purpose or not) for this. If you look on their site you will NOT see any of that sort of thing. I am not a "nOOb" either. I don't know why you are spending your time raving about this, because you can't do anything about it. Just so you know, Ubuntu art is common BECAUSE most people with gnome have ubuntu. I agree to vote down bad wallpapers, but putting down ubuntu and its users and artwork (which you are doing) isn't right. Blame the people who did the horrible stuff, but not just someone who uses the ubuntu logo. Don't take this wrong, I just want to make it clear how rude you are being to innocent ubuntu artists. One more thing... Gnome is for linux, so I don't think it is bad to make something based on linux. I thought the windows hater group was rude, but you are attacking ubuntu art?
Oh my lol....that is terrible but wonderful at the same time...u used ACTUAL TURDS?
This does make a statement! Still laughing too!
This sounds like a slam against Ubuntu...why?
No, not against ubuntu, against the "art" that has a naked chick with an ubuntu logo on her ass :)
Not against Ubuntu but against branding Gnome with corporate logos.
And another vote from me.
though I wonder how quickly the noobs will vote it down.
...I'd see this! Ubuntu hate art! :D Constipated Cheetah <- Good one, still laughing :D voted up ;D //Robert