Description: A very clear wallpaper. Yanuw is a space entity... that means nothing... or perhaps Yet Another Non Ubuntu Wallpaper... oh yes, that's it ! Last changelog:
Yanuw has written letters to me. I kept the envelopes and bring them to you.. Enjoy !
...and, by the way, despite my profile pic, I'm really not that much of an Ubuntu fan, I've been thinking of switching... but I've got more than 10GB of files I would have to backup. :O
Thanks my friend.
Have you succeeded in downloading the "Ozzy.." one ? I've been having bandwitdh problems with most of my WPs and I can't do anything till next month for most of them. I'm sorry for that. Feel free of reporting problems anyway !
Ratings & Comments
Very nice! What program did you use?
...and, by the way, despite my profile pic, I'm really not that much of an Ubuntu fan, I've been thinking of switching... but I've got more than 10GB of files I would have to backup. :O
No problem, you got a message !
waiting for the postcard ;)
I think it will be an email ! ;)
wooooow so amazing :D vote it up
Thanks my friend. Have you succeeded in downloading the "Ozzy.." one ? I've been having bandwitdh problems with most of my WPs and I can't do anything till next month for most of them. I'm sorry for that. Feel free of reporting problems anyway !
i've dowloaded your wallpaper without any problems :D
Ok, cool !
cool wallpaper .
Thanks Protti !