even a pet monkey can configure this distro with vasm gui system tool (good for the newbies)
apt-get/synaptic without teh dependancy hell problems (compability)
just try to compile from source something,this is the only distro I tried that has managed to compile almost everything
with no problems and did it for no time.(compability)
I have both ubuntu and mepis,both boot 300% slower.Both turn into slugs on an old machine. (speed)
=dream come true
Please,rate my drawing,not the context.I know that some might not like my statement.

Edit:Uploaded a clean version of the wp without the distro titles/marks on teh penguins.(third preview screenshot/download link)Also fixed vec penguin's jaw abit.
Edit:added alpha channel version of the wp(no bg).You can use the penguins if you want.(screeenshooot3)
Ratings & Comments
oh my god... O_o
Arch linux also doen't use slow hotplug and it's i686 optimized distro :)
yeah,but is pacman faster than slapt-get wih a gslapt gui?
HI, I found another one! good job! ain't xandros great! woodsmoke
Thanks! I used the Gimp.
I will upload a clean version of the wallpaper with no distribution title/marks on the penguinses. later today//
I can care less about the comparison of the distro thing there... I like the penguines, ignoring the distro stuff behind it all, this looks awesome. Thumbs Up on this one :)
nice work ! :) |nic|
Hi,thanks for the fast reply.Here is why vector is better than kubuntu or any other debian based distro: 1.Its faster (alot faster ) on booting time.(sick of waitng for hotplug?) 2.You have the easy updates too.Vector hast apt-like package tool,called slapt-get which can ignore dependancies in packages you select (unlike atp-get),with the official vector repo (where dependancies are tracked,but you CAN ignore them) plus the enourmous linuxpackages.net repo (vect soho 5.1 is compatitable with slack 10 and 10.1/2 packages) 3.You will be able to compile almost any package from source (configure>make>make install) without errors.. 4.You have VASM -this is a graphical user interface system tool with which you can configure everything on your computer:Hardware,filesystem or partitions,xwindow,users,boot procedures,Network,you can even make it autosetup everything. I found this tool to be extremely good,because it has no-gui failsafe mode and if you had made a big mess with this tool and midninght comander you can fix it. 5.If you want to have kde,install Vector SOHO,which is for you.The standart version is good too,but its with xfce as default and its made mainly for old hardware (speed,get it?)lol ...the instalation looks alot like (k)ubuntu's
damn it is Fast, it's even faster then gentoo, i'm a bit confused in here, how could that be?, Ok look's like u got yourself another user:)
I'm a user too . Happy Vectoring! check the forums if you have trouble,its a great comunity.
hi, just recently i've download the iso from their site but didnt really install it by now, so does the buzz around vector is that true i've read alot of reviews saying this is the fastest non source based distro but i'm not really sure if it would be right for me to switch from kubuntu after 3 years with linux, i'm really immpressed with kubuntu one disk install, easy upgrades, fresh new packages of kde, and it really does work out of the box so i guess my main reason if to make the switch is does vector can be upgraded to a newer version with their package manager?