Hi everyone =) yeah i have to say the cable looks quity shity, im fixing that at the moment! Ahmm and im gonna post a overworked second version in a whole new package soon because i think the colours
are'nt very good for a smooth and pleasant desktop ;] So you gonna see a much meaner looking tux a better background and everything overworked [including the messy cable] soon 8]
ThX to everyone for voting and giving comments
Da FloW
Hey hey =] i often use the gimp but for more complex things i still use my good old photoshop, because im not used to the gimp that long,but i have to say, it too is a very powerfull programm
greetz and peace
Ratings & Comments
Hi everyone =) yeah i have to say the cable looks quity shity, im fixing that at the moment! Ahmm and im gonna post a overworked second version in a whole new package soon because i think the colours are'nt very good for a smooth and pleasant desktop ;] So you gonna see a much meaner looking tux a better background and everything overworked [including the messy cable] soon 8] ThX to everyone for voting and giving comments greetz Da FloW
excellent job!
Could you do something about that ugly cable? It degrades this otherwise cool image a bit.
i like... what do u use? im guessing photo shop. You should use GIMP :-P
Hey hey =] i often use the gimp but for more complex things i still use my good old photoshop, because im not used to the gimp that long,but i have to say, it too is a very powerfull programm greetz and peace Da FLoW
I forgot that i forget to write that i realy would like to know what you think about it 8] greetz Da FloW