Description: I always thought that Dandelions look very cool. Why are they considered weeds. In some alternate dimension somewhere on the other side of the universe, there are yards covered with Dandelions and special sprays designed to kill pesky grass blades that detract from their beauty.
you are always putting out the best stuff.
And yeh Dandelions are wonderful. I have put them in alot of paintings and since they are the best growing plant in my yard I eat them too. Google a recipe...they're great.
It's pretty sweet (6% residual sugar), and definitely tastes like flowers! It's very interesting simply because it's so different, but I think it's tasty. Still prefer grape wine though. ;-)
Ratings & Comments
you are always putting out the best stuff. And yeh Dandelions are wonderful. I have put them in alot of paintings and since they are the best growing plant in my yard I eat them too. Google a recipe...they're great.
Ever had dandelion wine? There's a winery near me that makes some. :-p
how is it?
It's pretty sweet (6% residual sugar), and definitely tastes like flowers! It's very interesting simply because it's so different, but I think it's tasty. Still prefer grape wine though. ;-)