A Grunge-y wallpaper for Ubuntu I made.I combined a grunge version of the Ubuntu logo with the Regal Blue wallpaper I found on InterfaceLift.If you would like different logos, different sizes, different colors, or something else, please sound off in the comments.As always, your comments and favorites inspire me to continue onwards.
Ratings & Comments
cool man keep going ....gimp ?
Yep. Gimp is amazing.
how do u make that lit-up effect? where it's brighter in the middle?
You can use a circular gradient going from Transparent to black on another layer. Then change the opacity of that layer, and you get a neat lit up effect. You don't need Photoshop to make nice pictures.Just GIMP and a little knowhow! ;)
ok, that makes sense. and, yeah. i use gimp.
Fantastic! Can we have a 1680x1050 version? :P
Just added! See, good things happen when you comment!