Linux ExpressOS - Wake up your PC
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Drink it hot...
Those wallpapers have a transparent background (.png), just put the colour of your choice with your desktop settings !
#sources :
logos :
all logos are original logos and come from their respective official distribution's site except :
Enlightenment, Mandriva : http://fr.wikipedia.org
Archlinux, Kubuntu : http://commons.wikipedia.org
the picture I used for the coffee comes from :
www.flickr.com, photo by Andrea Rinaldi (licence: Creative Commons - BY)
#logo's licences :
this illustration is a personal work and does not indicate endorsement by the different linux distributions represented here.
#acknowledgement :
Archlinux(www.archlinux.org), Debian(www.debian.org),Enlightenment(www.enlightenment.org), Gentoo(www.gentoo.org),Kaella(kaella.linux-azur.org),Kubuntu(www.kubuntu.org),Mandriva (www.mandriva.com),OpenSUSE(www.opensuse.org), Slackware(www.slackware.com),Ubuntu(www.ubuntu.com)
The original creator of the tux g2 (that I didn't find the name, anyway thanks)
The excellent tutorial I used for create the tux G2 comes from Overlord59 (http://igloo.crystalxp.net/Overlord59)
New versions commin' soon.
All comments will be greatly appreciated :-)
if you have any PROBLEM FOR DOWNLOADING THIS WP, contact me (clic on "send a message") and I will send you the image of your choice by mail.
Other and latest works on my dA homepage : http://madeinkobaia.deviantart.com
................................................................................................................................................................ Last changelog:
Those wallpapers have a transparent background (.png), just put the colour of your choice with your desktop settings !
#sources :
logos :
all logos are original logos and come from their respective official distribution's site except :
Enlightenment, Mandriva : http://fr.wikipedia.org
Archlinux, Kubuntu : http://commons.wikipedia.org
the picture I used for the coffee comes from :
www.flickr.com, photo by Andrea Rinaldi (licence: Creative Commons - BY)
#logo's licences :
this illustration is a personal work and does not indicate endorsement by the different linux distributions represented here.
#acknowledgement :
Archlinux(www.archlinux.org), Debian(www.debian.org),Enlightenment(www.enlightenment.org), Gentoo(www.gentoo.org),Kaella(kaella.linux-azur.org),Kubuntu(www.kubuntu.org),Mandriva (www.mandriva.com),OpenSUSE(www.opensuse.org), Slackware(www.slackware.com),Ubuntu(www.ubuntu.com)
The original creator of the tux g2 (that I didn't find the name, anyway thanks)
The excellent tutorial I used for create the tux G2 comes from Overlord59 (http://igloo.crystalxp.net/Overlord59)
New versions commin' soon.
All comments will be greatly appreciated :-)
if you have any PROBLEM FOR DOWNLOADING THIS WP, contact me (clic on "send a message") and I will send you the image of your choice by mail.
Other and latest works on my dA homepage : http://madeinkobaia.deviantart.com
#30th October 2009 :
- five new versions (added new linux distributions)
- description was completed
#21th November 2009 :
added of two versions : UBUNTU STUDIO & EDUBUNTU (!!! there are not on the screenshots !!!)
(next versions will be on 2.0)
#16th January 2010
Ratings & Comments
What else? ;)
i love it :D great idea ;D
Thanks a lot !!! see u around,
The link for the Ubuntu WP is broken
All links are ok now. Thanks for your comment.
Is broken yet...
Hi, it works fine by my side. The size of any picture is more or less 800ko. Maybe you must wait a little bit longer if you have a low speed connection. Would you try with another wallpaper on this site and tell me if it works ? (ps: you can sent me directly a mail for the answer) muchos gracias !
My internet speed is 2 Mb, I dont know if the host where the files are linked have any problem to send information to my area (is a speculation only)...
hum, if you had only this problem with my downloaded link that could be a problem with my host site indeed. Thanks a lot. I you want to give me your mail address (off line of course just clic on "send a message" in my profile icon) I will send you the wallpaper(s) you want with pleasure. Gracias i hasta la proxima !
The very best of the World...;)
gracias, thanks a lot ;-)))
Nice wallpaper ;) Btw - sugar is unhealthy ;p
Thanks a lot Konrad, for the sugar: with moderation in the coffee, specially with Linux coffee, it will ruin the flavour !!! ;-)
have you got some sugar ?
thanks a lot, sugar ? well, who knows, good idea anyway ;-)