ubuntu orb
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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© 2025 /s/Cinnamon - Eyecandy for your Cinnamon Desktop
All rights reserved. All trademarks are copyright by their respective owners. All contributors are responsible for their uploads.
Ratings & Comments
Great wallpaper. What I mainly like about it is that it stands out from the rest and it looks good. I gotta say that I could imagine that being in stores; it looks almost authentic, it just needs "fiesty fawn edition" written on it and something like "comes with free windows emulation software!". Hey, if you like car pics, you should check out my GDM theme:http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/show.php?content=57592&vote=good&tan=92419212
Great wallpaper. What I mainly like about it is that it stands out from the rest and it looks good. I gotta say that I could imagine that being in stores; it looks almost authentic, it just needs "fiesty fawn edition" written on it and something like "comes with free windows emulation software!". Hey, if you like car pics, you should check out my GDM theme:http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/show.php?content=57592&vote=good&tan=92419212
sorry about the extra posts! My connection was slow and i hit the back button while trying to go to another page, thereby accidentally reposting as an anonymous person. sorry about that.
Great wallpaper. What I mainly like about it is that it stands out from the rest and it looks good. I gotta say that I could imagine that being in stores; it looks almost authentic, it just needs "fiesty fawn edition" written on it and something like "comes with free windows emulation software!". Hey, if you like car pics, you should check out my GDM theme:http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/show.php?content=57592&vote=good&tan=92419212
Great wallpaper. What I mainly like about it is that it stands out from the rest and it looks good. I gotta say that I could imagine that being in stores; it looks almost authentic, it just needs "fiesty fawn edition" written on it and something like "comes with free windows emulation software!". Hey, if you like car pics, you should check out my GDM theme:http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/show.php?content=57592&vote=good&tan=92419212
Uh btw, do you also have a svg version of the cover?
ahahah very funny!!! Love it!!! Well but you know, Microsoft puts a lot of stuff on the cover such as Windows Vista Home Professional Ultimate Edition Student Update XP... And then a red stripe with written "SP2 Included" and a platinum band "Newer versione.." eheheh I love your simplicity!! :D Good Work!
Looks good! You've got to write on it: "Same packaging, better content!^^