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Ratings & Comments
That is exactly what I needed to know. Thanks for helping me out. Eric
Hello, Man it looks good. I am experimenting with gimp and was wondering how you get the feathered effect? If you know what about the gloss effect that we see with the newer kde 3.4 backgrounds? Thanks Eric
The fether effect if under the filter menu >Blur menu> motion blur. Set it to directional blur and adjust the direction and length of the blur accordingly. As far as the "aqua" gloss effect---there are several ways of doing this. The easiest is to create another layer > create a path in the shape of you reflection > go into the path tab and convert your path to a selection > then fill it with a gradient fill from white to transparet (FG to Transparent---with white as foreground color). Then go into layer mode and set it to soft light, or screen, or overlay and tweak the opacity until you get the desired effect :) Happy Gimping
One othre thing; when using directional blur, make sure you are working on a canvas larger than you intend your final image to be because directional blur pulls from the outside of the image and creates bizaar results. If you are working on a slightly larger version than the final intent, you can always crop this off and viola!...your'e left with a perfectly blured image. (this is a good practice to always use---crop and resize you images last :)