Kde 3 Blue / Green
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Started to work on a new wallpaper, based on Qwertz's Gear.
Work is still in progress.
Any Comments and especially constructive critcs (?) welcome Last changelog:
Work is still in progress.
Any Comments and especially constructive critcs (?) welcome
Only a few minor changes
Thanks to Qwertz who made the Gear of this Wallpaper. Its his great work.
Had to change from png to jpeg in Download.
Ratings & Comments
Could you provide a 1024x768 version of this? It looks wonderful. Or if there's an easy way to convert to a specified size, I would like to know. Again, wonderful work!
Thank you all, for the nice comments on my wallpapers. Its a good feeling to know that some people love them, and chose it as the one to use. That gives the motivation to go on doing that stuff. Thank you.
even nicer than your first, work-in-progress wallpaper. my original comment stands though, i still find the white backfground too bright to use all the time. i am not sure how you could change this though and still have the same clean, 'gleaming' look to it.
sweet wallpapers. I'd be using them now, but white is just too intense for me. can you make one with a darker background?
Good work man.
The third screenshot is from the first pixelized version. This one is not available on Kde-Look.org anymore. But if anyone wants to have the old version, i can send it to him. It would also be available at my Homepage in a few weeks.
I like this image. Why did you remove it ? have fun HAL
Okay Readded it as Kde 3 Pixelize.
cool, i saw couple of days before, the pixelized, and now am happy to see the 3d version. it is definetly nice, and original. you're brilliant. what a bout the tool U used? Tamás
excellent. finally some quality back at this site. great job indeed. i'm totally impressed.
hey this is really a cool wallpaper! which program did u use?
Yes the Pixeleffect. I Think its a nice thing, but if anyone can send me the 3d file of such a gear (or a rendered picture in good quality) i'll build up another version with real3dfeeling. Thanks
...especially the pixellation, I love that sort of thing. The one thing I am not sure about is the amount of white, it can strain the eyes having a over-bright background color. Nice work though. :)
finally, a quality submision. i was wondering why i still check this site, and this is why, people who actually try. the only suggestion id give is that im not too crazy about the gear being pixelized like that, it makes me feel like my eyes are out of focus...