KDE Sparkle
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
A fresh, sparkling new Logo for KDE.
Hope you enjoy it
Da FloW Last changelog:
Hope you enjoy it
Da FloW
- Now finally finished
- corrected the spelling mistake which
again existed cause of bad updating
- smoothed the background colours (bit
less bluish)
- added a "without Text" Version
Ratings & Comments
i like your wallpaper very much. Can you name the font used for "k desktop environment"?
This looks very good with a Crystal theme and I like Crystal!
Thanks a lot for correcting this spelling mistake :). I'm happy now :)
I think it's beautiful. Nice work!
To Lenz and everyone else: Hi again sorry about that something went wrong with the updating =( give me 1 day or so this time cause im not home at the moment, but certanly this has to be changed 8) im gonna make a transparent version soon for all who would like it in diffrent colours Sorryz hope u still like it 8\ Da FloW
I downloaded you package, and - yes - there were png's inside :). But unfortunately the first picture (this this 'K Desktop Environment' and without the leaf) still has this spelling mistake :(. Can you correct this, please?
Doesnt seem too fresh to me, looks like every other aqua/crystal deco.
nice! but can you provide this in a warmer color, not to say red ;)
but once again a "but" ;-). I really like your picture and I would like use it as new wallpaper! But why jpeg again? First with the spelling mistake you made pngs, which quality was much higher. I bet... I't would be really kickass if you add some pngs.
Hey Lenz ! You just have to push the download button and download the .zip file ! Wonderful .png's inside 8] I just use .jpegs for the preview versions because that takes less time to load. 8] just smile and download the pack and u get what u want greetz Da FLoW
Then I'm sorry for my mistake :-). *Good-vote* *Download* *As wallpaper set* :D
Hi everyone, thx for the comments 8] I didnt use a font for the K i drew that myself (sorry) =) To the background : I will make a lighter less bluish version > I have a quite dark screen and the colours variete from monitor to monitor when i looked at it with my labtop, i wondered because the colors were more intense than on my big monitor (i realy hate that =] ) and i'll make a version without text soon greetz Da FloW
About the color issue.. Would it be possible to make it transparent, so anyone could select wanted color for a background? BTW, thanks for the textless version :)
Simple and clear, I like it! Maybe let's try some lesser bluish theme..what about changing background gradient to other flavours?
I love it and would like to get it into the release! Any possibility to get a version without the text under the logo? Atm it's behind my panel, but if I'll buy a bigger screen/start using bigger resolution... ;) And how about the voting stuff, I didn't see anything on the kde.org about that..
This is really a good work ! Could U tell me what is the name of the font used to create the "big K" ? Thx
I'm glad u like it! THX very much 8] Da FLoW
That's a verry clean and Fantastic made Wallpaper.Like it.
Just corrected it =] Real stupid mistake i have to admit greetz Da FLoW
spelling mistake! It's not "Enviroment" but "Environment". If you correct this, the picture was really fine! Then I would vote for 'good'. Until this, I won't vote. Greets, Lenz.