
greetz and peace
Da FloW
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
- Final Version
- I had put the old files into the pack
to [failure while updating, sorry =) ]
- removed them
- Everything made new and all problems
corrected (Arms, Smile)
- Please Vote if you find him nice or
ThX and peace!
- now he smiles
[Sorry for the loss of quality but i had a problem because i lost my source file!!
I had to correct this a stupid way but i'll update it to a totally new made version soon !]
Thx for your understanding 8(
- added another version
- blue and white background
- some other small changes
Ratings & Comments
Very good! Thanks a lot!
I like it
I really think it is a nice wallpaper. Good job !
I updated the arms for Maui15 and gave him a smile for chromecat ! Because i lost the source .psd i had to do everything new but i think it was wearth it =) Please vote or leave a comment if you find him good or bad ! ThX, greetz and peace Da FloW
i do i think hes cool :) maybe fix his arms a little they look a little messy
...are very nice, the look really cool! But the pengiun looks a bit chubby. Perhaps a bit of a neck and a little less big head would do the trick. Anyway, a great work again! :-)
...but a bit too impersonal for Tux. (and for me) Keep trying ;-)
First of all ThX for your comment ... ahm but what do you mean by to impersonal =) ? I just thought of a TuX which should look a bit diffrent than all the others . Simple but still nice .. hope you can tell me what you mean ThX in advance greetz and peace Da FLoW
Try to make pengo's face a bit more expressive. Could you make him smile? (I don't tell you that he _must_ smile) See a Garfield comics for an example if You don't understand what I mean...
=] O.K. i understand what you mean now! Thats true, i'l try and do that ThX for mentioning this point greetz Da FloW