Pistons box
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
© 2025 /s/Cinnamon - Eyecandy for your Cinnamon Desktop
All rights reserved. All trademarks are copyright by their respective owners. All contributors are responsible for their uploads.
Ratings & Comments
Lol, thank you, I just can read "arigato" but not the other words ;-)
Theme of the picture is in Japanese and so I wrote the comment in Japanese itself (assuming that u can read/write Japanese language). Anyway, to see the chars properly, set encoding of the browser to Unicode (utf-8). I am able to see the chars properly with this encoding if I use Firefox. well, if I am wrong about ur Japanese language skills, feel free to mention. I wont mind translating my comment into English for you :-)
Thanks too google translator. I'm under Linux and Firefox of course and I used Inkscape to draw this one and gimp to add "moiré".
Thanks too google translator. I'm under Linux and Firefox of course and I used Inkscape to draw this one and gimp to add "moiré".
Thanks too google translator. I'm under Linux and Firefox of course and I used Inkscape to draw this one and gimp to add "moiré".
...And this is not à "photograph" !
...And this is not à "photograph" !
Actually I am not a native Japanese and my Japanese is also not so good...I couldn't think of a word better than "写真 (shashin)" when I was writing the comment. I think, better word would have been "絵 (e)" (絵 stands for drawing, painting etc.). anyway, thanks for the good wallpaper. My girlfriend is going to be happy to put this wallpaper on her desktop [ she likes "neko" much...I don't know why!:-D ].
Its so cute!! thank you!!!