Description: A quick gimp edit. The original debian dot logo is from Debian red dot wallpaper posted by lsaturno, a well crafted image. Inspiration for the style came from my K-Hazard2 wallpaper, which seemed to be somewhat popular, so i wanted to try the same style with a different logo.
WOW! This is the best looking wallpaper i've seen in a while.. if you could make one exactly like this, but with the gentoo logo, (there are no good looking gentoo wallpaper, it seems like artist doesn't make graphics for gentoo) and with gentoo written instead of debian?
Since i like conky on the right, if you could swap the wallpapers design it would be just too awesome! (i could do it myself after you created it, but i'd end up with a reverse Portage logo!)
Thanks a lot in advance, i would really appreciate it! (I'm sure many others would be happy too!)
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WOW! This is the best looking wallpaper i've seen in a while.. if you could make one exactly like this, but with the gentoo logo, (there are no good looking gentoo wallpaper, it seems like artist doesn't make graphics for gentoo) and with gentoo written instead of debian? Since i like conky on the right, if you could swap the wallpapers design it would be just too awesome! (i could do it myself after you created it, but i'd end up with a reverse Portage logo!) Thanks a lot in advance, i would really appreciate it! (I'm sure many others would be happy too!)