Ubuntu Professional
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
This is my Ubuntu Professional GDM theme. I hope you like it.
It's an ubuntu version of this Studio GDM: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Ubuntu+Studio+v2+GDM+(Unofficial)?content=68486
Debian version: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=92133
It's an ubuntu version of this Studio GDM: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Ubuntu+Studio+v2+GDM+(Unofficial)?content=68486
Debian version: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=92133
Ratings & Comments
Great job, thank you for this. Try www.megaupload.com or www.mediafire.com as they are FAR better file hosting sites than RapidShit... Thanks again.
really beautiful..
Thank you. I wish they'd include themes like yours on the default set.
I uploaded the normal version again. If someone can recommend me another free service to upload it I would appreciate it. The debian version is on my desktop so you'll have to wait, at least 'till early in the night.
Download limit exceed, can you upload it to another service pls? I like it too much!!
I will. Sorry, I didn't knew rapidshare was so "delicate" with its service :)
I can't download it from rapidshare
Running Ubuntu 8.04, with Compiz and Berryl. The text in tree menus of my Mozilla Thunderbird and in Pidgin are invisible until I click on it.
This is a fabulous GDM theme, very sharp. Any chance you could make a similar lock dialog theme?
So any chance of a lock dialog theme?
You are considering it: <The best one here so far> ... do you mean that is the best you done so far, isn't it? if not... Personally I can't see what you guys says that is a professional one... I can't get it; is simple, dark, has nothing to do with Ubuntu's conceptual... sorry... btw: the avatar you use, is this professional too? :)
Don't cry dude :). I was just sayin', just kidding (hint: wink). There's nothing written about taste. But it sure looks more professional than most GDM themes here in my opinion. Since I've searched this site and I found nothing other than this Studio gdm.
Any chance you could make a Debian version? I run Debian at work and would really like to have a nice professional looking gdm like this, but they're kinda hard to come by, everybody seems obsessed with either Ubuntu or Mint.
Yep, check it out: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=92133
This GDM is Gorgeous! I use it at work, very professional. Thanks!
Thanks. It would be good if the Artwork team of Ubuntu come up with a similar design for the default GDM theme...
The Ubuntu art team (and I use those terms loosely considering Ubuntu hasn't changed in appearance much since its inaugural release) can't do anything that isn't orange or brown. Thankfully, the same can't be said for the talented Linux community!!! Great theme by the way!!!
I've always been advocating for the idea of having more than one theme (by default) made by the ubuntu-artwork team, specially a blue version of the brown one made with the ubuntu palette (which should be easy) and get rid of all the other shitty themes that come with the gnome package. They aren't listening :|