Note: This gdm theme looks exactly like the screenshot. There are no extra floating panels or buttons on it. The word LOGIN contains session button, actions button and username/pass entry box. Give it a try!

Works for:
1024x768, and
1024x600 screens.
Hope that's all xD
IMPORTANT: In the login window manager, select this background color: #151515

Ratings & Comments
I have switched over to SLiM since the newest GDM is completely useless now. I'm wondering if you could perhaps make a theme for SLiM. Maybe just a rudimentary port of this or something original. I had been using this theme since it became available in my resolution, and I really became quite fond of it.
can you make a 1400x1050 version ? i have a bunch of laptop (ibm and dell) with this resolution and will be pleased to get your login theme on that.
It's my GDM theme since winter
i like that! really good idea. But can you add an user selection somewhere (visible or not)? i like to login with > "tab - space - passwd - enter", easier :)
I'm sorry but that's not possible... the user list is always over the other elements. But tell me: what resolution you use? i guess i can try some improvements :)
Great GDM, but I wanted to ask you for a 1920x1200 version so that I can use it on my desktop machine as well as on my laptop :) Thanks in advance
wow... ok, just watch for next update
there it is :D
Hey i love this theme and will be using it for a very long while. Its very different to the rest of the windows or mac clones out there. I have been doing some small modifications to the png files etc just to fit it in with my setup a bit more. Im trying to round off the letters a little now and im wondering how i would go about rounding the username/password box? i cant seem to find the file anywhere. If you could just let me know where the pixmap(?) is then i would appreciate it. again, good stuff. Got any splash themes by any chance? or, would you be able to point me in the direction of any sites on how to create my own? im very new to linux and coding but so far it has been fun.
Im, sorry, but there is no pixmap for the box. The box itself is the right part of the "I". The way to get the letter rounded off is by adding a white rectangle pixmap with round right-side corners, and placing the entry box inside. I guess you know that the left side of the I is a button, so you must keep that in mind when youre modyfing the theme. Hope i've helped some way =)
Hehe very original I love it. LOL I can't find the sessions button so that I can choose between gnome/xfce etc. Point it out for the thickies please
xD it is at the beginning of the "I" it has a veryverylight grey cross on it, maybe your screen is too bright or something. thanks for your appreciation!
What a nice GDM theme! It's perfect! I'll use it in every machine I have! Congratulations for such great job! P.S.: I'm using the 1680 one. Could you include some more with the shutdown symbol in other colours? For example #6291C3 or #97BD4B. It'd be much apreciated. 2nd P.S.: What about making an H-Login version? Maybe using the 'L' for the text area.
Thank you! now, you mean the "O", right? sure i can, but that it was designed to be a black/red/white theme... but... who cares xD i'll upload the images separately from the theme, so you can use them by replacing the red ones on the 1680 package. All resolutions have a different letter size, so if you want the colored button for another res, just tell me. About making a H-Login theme, i think that's not possible. Its just a design thing, the centered column, the shutdown button, the error messages... In an horizontal way, the theme loses symetry and integrity. Hope you understand =) so, just watch for updates!
So, there are they, sorry for the delay. [color=#6291c3]#6291C3[/color] [color=#97bd4b]#97BD4B[/color] is that what were you talking about? PS: bbcode for coloured text doesn't seem to be working right now, at least in the comment preview hope you like it!
Yes it is! Thank you very much and congratulations once more for such good login!
Would be apreciated as i have issues running the other versions
Me too
done! =) hope you like it!
I love it! Unfortunately I have a 1024x768 resolution. Could you please make one? It's fairly common.
Done! fortunately it's easy to port this theme to any resolution i want, just a bit of gimp, and some modifications to the xml. hope u like it!
Thanks very much! I'll be using this for a long time. What a wonderful idea, and the implementation of it is flawless.
Thank you! I really apreciate your words.
I love it but can't install it on 1280x800 Would you please make it, please.