Green Glass GDM

GDM Themes

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A glassy green GDm with face browser
Last changelog:

version 0.2 : updated to fix pixelated loginbox border corners.

Version 0.3, ive kinda neglected this, but ive made the centrepiece more opaque and created some new icons

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I get this error in Ubuntu 8.04: "There was a problem while extracting the theme."


Love this theme...but it works on Ubuntu Gutsy, but doesn't on my Debian Sid. I don't see the user list on it. And the time is too close to the centre area.


hmm, have you got the "include hostname chooser" box ticked in gdmsetup? could you maybe upload an Xnest screenshot of the problem for me to look at and ill see what i can do


I'll have to reboot into Gutsy and check.Strange thing is I DIDN'T have it checked in Sid and the theme looks great. I'll go back and look. Thanks


This theme is fantastic. I'm using it on ubuntu. I saved the background to my home folder and added the ubuntu logo to use as my desktop wallpaper as well :)


thanks, glad u like it :) ive made a couple changes today if u wanna try em :)


I installed the updated version, and believe it not, I actually prefer the more transparent face browser. To each his own I guess? Either way, great work you're doing sir. I sent you a private message a little while back, did you recieve it?


yeah i prefer the more transparent box too, but until GDM allows a transparent userlist it just doesnt look right imo, thats why i added the whiter background.


i only check the email account it gets sent to every few weeks, but ya i got it just know. i dont use gnome splash screens though, and from what i gather there being turned off by default in gnome 2.20 :)


I made the Coming Storm GDM you at least partly based this off, and it needs to be relicensed as Creative Commons to be compatible with the Tango icons. Artisticly, it's a nice work although I'm not sure about the pixelated corners. Keep it up :)


ah ok thanks for the warning :) changed now, cant seem to get rid of the pixelated corners, the source image isnt pixelated but when the gdm runs it appears pixelated, i tried loadsa things but couldnt seem to get it fixed.


If its any help loginbox.png has the same corners. Are you rendering form an SVG?


k i fixed it, couldnt get the svg to appear right so i just rendered it then used select rounded rectangle in gimp to shave a couple of pixles of :) uploading it now :)


If you can give me a hint on how to make a screenshot of the GDM in action then I will. I can't seem to manage that... I always photoshop a mock up of the actual theme I present... Talking about screenshots: Could you upload a bigger screenshot of your GDM theme. The picture is to small.


to take a screenshot the easiest way is to install xnest then from your desktop run gdmflexiserver --xnest to run gdm in a window which you can take a picture of the same way as any other app :) new screenshot is there


good job ! nice....


I like it how you created the impression to have a transparent userlist. A nice mix of colors... Anyway as a GDM-themer myself (see my contributions at Gnome-look) I'm always at the lookout for some new elements to use in GDM-design. About this theme? I've installed and tried it and it looks nice. But some elements did not show up on the right please. The date and the 'welcome' appeared right at the middle-window border... I know it is notoriously difficult to test GDM-themes on different screen-resolutions. Keep up the good work though! I've noticed your other contributions at gnome-look and they look great!


thanks for the compliments paul :) could you possibly post a screenshot of exactly whats happening? My monitor is widescreen, but i tried to make it work for non-widescreen by specifying pixel distances rather than %, but i didnt test do you use a resolution 1024x768 or smaller? btw, i really like ur ubuntu professional gdm :)


I'd really like to know why those f..g jealous Kevins vote down.. Because this really is GREAT work. Congratulations !


Thanks a lot, i aim to please :)


And boy do you succeed.

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version 0.2
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 0

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System Tags

GDM Themes

For applying GDM themes, there is this tool:

Note Ubuntu uses LightDM, so you would need to switch to GDM first to use GDM themes: