Hardy-Simple Colors GDM 2

GDM Themes

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This is an Ubuntu-branded GDM theme based on my Hardy-Simple Colors wallpaper mods. Feel free to edit branding for other OS's, or use my alternate GDM if you're not using Ubuntu.

There are Brave (Blue), Human (Orange), Wise (Green), and Wine (Red) versions.

Widescreen (1920x1200) and non-widescreen (1600x1200) are both included.

They are made to match my Clearlooks/Murrine/Nodoka/Compact-Colors sets of themes.

If you must vote down, or if there is something you dislike about the themes, let me know so I can work on improving it!
Last changelog:

2.5 - Updated colors and added Dark version.

Ratings & Comments



Hey perfectska04, really cool theme. Just wondering, will this automatically work with 1680x1050? Or do does this need to be edited to work with my resolution? Thanks.


just install the widescreen version and it will work just fine.


Hey perfectska04, really color theme. Just wondering, will this automatically work with 1680x1050? Or do does this need to be edited to work with my resolution? Thanks.


Hi. I'm from mexico and i want download this GDM but I can't!!! What I need do? Thanks. Tex


Um, you should by able to download it by clicking on the 'download' link. If that's not working for you, then perhaps try the deviantart page: http://perfectska04.deviantart.com/art/Hardy-Simple-Colors-GDM-2-82678510


Great, but would be much much improved if the black bar on the bottom matched the colour of each theme (e.g. blue for the blue theme).


I really like this GDM theme. It fits very nicely with the colours I use on my desktop and avoids the flashiness of many of the other themes. However, it does have one fairly large drawback for me in that there appears to be no way of starting an XDMCP Chooser to log into remote machines. Is there any way you could add this in?


These one are good !! I have a favor to ask: would you please make a Debian transparent "banner" like the one you made for Ubuntu in the GDM theme package ? That way I think I will do my own custom GDM theme by using your transparent wallpaper with the colour of my GTK theme (I have modified your GTK theme too :-p). Thanks.


Do you mean a Debian logo? I didn't make the ubuntu one, it's a default ubuntu logo. If what you're looking for is a transparent debian logo, I think you can find it either by googling "debian logo" or maybe in this GDM theme: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/debian+gdm+theme?content=63546


Firstly, thank for sharing this work (and gtk-themes). I'm using with satisfaction both clearlooks-color and murrine-color gtk themes (orange version, i like this colour.....) and now i've changed my gdm theme in this (orange, of course). It matches perfectly with gtk-themes. A little suggestion, if (and when) you'll have some spare time: what do you think about an useralbum version?


what do you mean by useralbum? a different layout?


like this http://www.ubuntu-art.org/content/show.php/Kalahari+4+login?content=76578 for example. you can choose the user from a list


I completely agree with jackp. This theme looks great but I would also favor a gdm-theme with a useralbum. Thank you and keep doing that great work!

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version 2.5
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 1

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System Tags

GDM Themes

For applying GDM themes, there is this tool:

Note Ubuntu uses LightDM, so you would need to switch to GDM first to use GDM themes: