Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Glacial colors
Nice navigation tabs, chrome like.
Metacity included, but
unchanged from old theme.
Matching Openbox theme included and redesigned.
Changes 5/14/10
Moved files to new clearlooks gtkrc,
to find and fix bug in treeview. Now
Added shadow to current tab, updated:
entry boxes, menu, slider trough, insensitive button, spin buttons,
list headers, menu separator, and
probably a few I have now forgotten
New... Menu,Tabs,Buttons,Radio Boxes, Darkened the base color.
Still striving for that ice look.
Along the way, I have found a bug while using PCMan file manager.
Selecting the directory tree view, closes the manager. (like using xkill)
Went back to the original file and
it does the same thing.
Spent some time comparing with other working themes, till my eyes got blurry
and my seat sore.
Any insight would be appreciated.
Ratings & Comments
8 8 great
This theme has a clearlooks base and uses the pixmap and maybe a little mist or glide engine styles to compliment it's advanced styling just check the code. Don't worry about mixing the engines after all that is what all gtk2 engines really do hence we are still packing the gtk1 legacy engines. Remarkable work on the tabs my friend.
Thanks, You are correct, it should be Pixbuf engine. I got to involved in the small details and missed a very big detail.
There isn't really anything about this that seems to be Clearlooks.