Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Fluxbox, etc.
Misty blue/gray with Caribbean sea green with strong button accents
of seagreen yellow deep red (a visual reminder, for those click happy people of
whom we all know) ; )
includes=gtk2 theme, IceWm theme, openbox3 theme, xfwm4 theme
Engine=Pixmap, Mist
Icons=Faenza http://tiheum.deviantart.com/art/Faenza-Icons-173323228
MouseCursor=Pulse-Glass http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Pulse+Glass?content=124442
MouseCursor=KnotVist http://grynays.deviantart.com/art/KnotVista-320663416
Font=Charcoal http://www.fontyukle.net/en/CHARCOAL.ttf
Some beautiful wallpapers:
endless ;
Coco's Paradise Inn;
Sail to the Moon;
New to themes? create a folder, in your home directory ~/.themes
for example mine is /home/justus/.themes
the dot before themes means it is hidden and linked to /usr/share/themes
Can not find it? go to your file menubar, click View, click Show Hidden
Now, download your chosen theme, right click the downloaded file,
chose extract here, grab the extracted file and drop in your .themes folder.
Then open up your favorite appearance manager and select the newly installed
There are other ways to install themes but this is the best way!
It allows you to control or change parts of the theme without
going to root and possibly doing some harm to your file system.
You may also consider creating a folder called ~/.icons
where you can place downloaded icon themes and mouse cursor themes
And another folder callled ~/.fonts
where you can place downloaded fonts
Want to see more of my themes? Click on, Other Artwork from IamJustUs
across from the download button.
Finally... to get the best view of those screenshots! Right click or center click
and open them in new tab.
Changes: September 28, 2012
I have had some fun and it has been a good
ride. This build is the last one at this time
for this theme.
Screenshots show: Xfce4 desktop with xfce4-panel 4.10.0
Added background pixmap see screenshots, 1 & 2
gives added contouring and color, you can easily return to old look
by adding # comment to line 105 of the gtkrc
likewise any Qt app will use default bg color, they have not reached the refined gtk2 style yet. examples; vlc player, kde apps
Added tiled wallpaper -make sure you set it to tiled.
Perfect fit, easy on the eye and makes this theme pop.
Fixed spin entry look for apps that use Qt, redesign of .png and reset of borders
I have changed to a nicely designed font called Prosto.
for those who would like to see a preview go here:
for those who just want a quick download link go here:
Note: slight performance hit with this font, you
decide its worth / benifit yourself. I like the crisp sharp,
well defined look. Prosto makes reading a delight.
Screenshot 3, is my workaround for a clock in a vertical panel, I use a smaller
panel and find I only have room for 3 letters...... so I use weekday abv.
and set the mouseover for the time and date. This uses the gtkrc tooltip,
so it is always in sync with your current theme. You may have to add/remove a space or two to center with your prefered font.
Ratings & Comments
Reminds me of Stargate Atlantis GUI.
Thanks Aaron, I have a nice scifi wallpaper, I sometimes use with this theme, a portal with lots of glass elements with this highlight color. Nice to hear that you like this theme. It is one of my favorites.
I like this with a couple of minor points, there is no rollover highlight on the title bar buttons and the panel when set to 'use system style' is tiling an image which looks bad, other tahn that pretty good! I am running xfce4.10pre
Thanks Keith, I missed setting panel back, can not use horiz panel on my HP Pavilion dm4 takes to much vertical space on this 14 in wide screen. I agree with the xfwm prelight too, when I was working on it, I was stumped that none of the default window manager styles had a prelight. Ended up downloading a few from here and low and behold there it was prelight. Uploading the changes now, thanks again,