Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
to achieve a theme, somewhere in the middle ground, between light and dark.
Tried to capture the
essence of an upcoming
You need, gtk2-engines-murrine
Includes: New metacity and openbox3, iconrc, 2 panel.pngs
Current change:
Changed the tab contrasts,
darkened the non selected tabs
Added panel.png
Changed menubar & toolbar look
Changed odd tree view for better perception with file folder detailed list view.
Increased active tab highlight.
And more, one of those times, one change
created a snowball affect.
Feb. 17, 2010 changes;
One of those accidental moments, I
switched to Storm gtk2 and still had my
coldsteel openbox3 surround. My wife
looked over and asked, Can you put that
on my laptop? I compared the old storm
openbox with this and they were a world
New openbox3
New metacity
Extra panel
Ratings & Comments
I am at a loss for words here, but smiling on the inside. Thanks....... I appreciate your comments.
Thanks for commenting on my work it was the best compliment because your work is just brilliant you have lifted and removed the flat look of the norm with an eye pleasing sensation here the color scheme is perfect.
Icons are called Nimbus. You can search here at gnome-look for specific download instructions. Its a little more complicated download than usual. If you do not want any nimbus gtk2 themes, The easier way would be to search Google for nimbus.deb or nimbus.rpm, etc depending on your operating system. And look for the icon package. I like the blue folders, and the blue tool bar icons especially. The icons on my panel are a mix of Nimbus and nuoveXT2.
What icons are you using?
I added the snow effect to compiz. Looks so cool.
Thanks, one of my favorites too. Wallpaper/background can be found here: http://abstract.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/28859/ It's called Hibernal snow. For something real cool, if you have compiz/fusion enabled. Select the snow option. and.... Let it snow, Let it snow Let it snow. It makes a nice 3-D background.
Is that wallpaper available? Could you post the name of it. Btw your theme is very good too.