EDIT: I've just discovered, reading on another topic, that Cimi (the Murrine engine creator) doesn't want others to share Murrine engine svn packages... You should try compiling it by yourself:
This is the command to download the latest code from the svn repository:
[indent]svn co http://svn.gnome.org/svn/murrine/trunk gtk2-engines-murrine-0.60svn[/indent]
then you have to:
cd gtk2-engines-murrine-0.60svn
./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr --enable-animation
sudo make install
I can't remember which are the dependencies... I'm sorry...
Ratings & Comments
I have been wondering, can this transparancy thing be used with textures as well? I've wanted to see that for a long time now, seeing pretty much else can be made to use transparancy with Compiz - only gtk-apps missing now. :)
Wait a minute! How did you done that? Window background is transparent, but lists are not...
Aren't you able to reach the same result? Try using the latest svn build (I've linked the deb package for Ubuntu)...
The deb doesn't work on Hardy. It complains about missing "libgtk-2.0". Can't test your theme, looks great in preview.
Mh, I'm using Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex, maybe that is the problem... However I've just discovered, reading on another topic, that Cimi (the Murrine engine creator) doesn't want others to share svn packages... You should try compiling it by yourself: This is the command to download the latest code from the svn repository:cd gtk2-engines-murrine-0.60svn
./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-animation
sudo make install
I'm sorry :(
then you have to:
Now will this make it work for Hardy?