Swoosh! (formerly Forwardlooks)

GTK2 Themes

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Formerly known as Forwardlooks, please note that the branding hasn't been fully updated yet

Swoosh! is a new theme, derived from Clearlooks for metacity. While the metacity theme is the highlight, the package does come with a GTK theme based on the Ubuntulooks engine, and the engine itself for those who don't use Ubuntu.

The idea behind the Metacity theme is simple: make Clearlooks have something else so it's not so... clear. Clearlooks is a beautiful theme, and I love it, but I felt it needed something else. So, I designed a swoosh so go in the top left of the window border and made the close button a transparent red. The metacity theme is designed so it can be moved from theme to theme, and give you the clearlooks look, with a bit of accent. Simple idea put into action.

Please keep in mind that this is
1. My first theme, and
2. An early version that will likely be changed a lot before hitting version 1.0, or even version 0.2

===== Install instructions =====
Step 1: Ubuntulooks installation (ONLY IF YOU ARE NOT ON UBUNTU DAPPER OR EDGY! If you are on Ubuntu Dapper or Edgy, skip down to step 2)

Copy libubuntulooks.so and libubuntulooks.la to /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.*.*/engines as root (substitute "2.*.*" with your version number). This will enable the engine which powers the theme, and then the theme can be installed. I originally thought these weren't required, d'oh! Something to remember for next time, I suppose...

Step 2: Theme installation

First, try just dragging and dropping the archive (Forwardlooks.tar.gz) onto the Theme Preferences window. If that doesn't install the theme, follow these steps:

1. Unzip the archive
2. Copy the forwardlooks folder into ~/.themes/forwardlooks
3. Open the "Theme" preferences window
4. Select the theme named "Forwardlooks" from the list.

If the theme works now, great, otherwise, continue reading...

5. Click the "Theme Details" buitton
6. Under Controls, select Forwardlooks
7. Under "Window border", select Forwardlooks
8. Under "Icons", select Tango (if it is installed).
Last changelog:

Sept.21 (0.1)
- Initial release
Sept 22 (0.1.1)
- Changed some colors
- Close button becomes red
Sept 24 (0.1.2)
- Includeslibubuntulooks.so and libubuntulooks.la so everyone can use it
Oct 25 (0.2)
- Made the close button less red, and the swoosh a but lighter too! It now looks quite nice using other controls other than the ones included. This decision was made because themetacity theme has gotten lots of attention, and it should be usable where people don't use the controls. the controls are now considered more of a "bonus".

Ratings & Comments



A new theme by me (in the Universe Repository) on Ubuntu 6.10 called Tropic, uses a modified version of this theme (with a white swoosh), looks nice!


Awesome, how would I go about getting the original in there?


But, I did that before you made the change yourself... sudo apt-get install tropic-look (on Edgy only)


well,it's works very well on my fc6 box. engines files put to /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines theme file put to ~/.theme. i make a shot on dA http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/42013742/ finally,thanks for this theme.


Doesn't work for FC6


Hmm, any more details? I was going to give Fedora 6 a try in a VM later anyway, but if you could give me more details now, it'd be great.


Sorry, It works. I did copy the files under 2.4 instead of 2.10


Very good job I really like metacity theme!


This is *NOT* ClearLooks, like the author said. Instead, it's that Ubuntu-only ClearLooks fork that, for reasons that seem to only be for promoting the Ubuntu distro, is called "UbuntuLooks", and hence is not for people who use other distros, like Fedora Core. The Metacity is good, the GTK looks good, but you are preventing non-Ubuntu users from using this theme. I truly hope you'll do something to make this more available to everyone... =(


It should work everywhere, it's packaged in the way a normal ttheme would be, with all nessecairy files. Have you tried it? I'll have to figure it out if it doesn't work everywhe...


Works fine on my Dapper install.


Ok, figured it out, now it includes the engine files. I thought everything was included in the gtkrc, oops! Anyway, it be fixed now, thanks to http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=43255


FYI, I do _NOT_ use Ubuntu, I use Fedora Core 5. I will not change my distro because of one theme or theme engine. Alrighty, I finally got this hack working... and it's pretty good. Too bad the creator had to make it seem to be uni-distro only... SHAME. The only problem I see with the theme right now is with the Metacity. for some reason the corners on the top are still rounded when the window is maximized, when it should be squared, so it looks cut-off. Other than that, great job.


...this should be an edit of the above comment. Why is there no edit function, GNOME-Look admins? :( Anyways, the Metacity corner problem only seems to happen with gFTP.


This is a great theme!!! Is there any chance you would make one with blue scroll bars and highlights a la "Blubuntu"? I love Ubuntu, but I hate the default brown and orange themes. It always takes me days after a fresh install to make things blue. Your theme is the best alternative to Ubuntu's native Ubuntu-looks to date. Even without blue highlights, i'm using it as my new default theme! Keep up the great work!

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version 0.2
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 1

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