Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
I am using KXDocker, and the GTK Menu hack found here:
Also using the Truth Emerald/Compiz Window Border found here:
If you don't like it, please tell me what you don't like, and what I could add to make it better.
Link to wallpaper:
TODO list
1. Learn more on how to use Pixmaps better.
2. Implant any other ideas, suggestions, or what I come up with to make the theme better.
Made the theme from black to Milkish, and added icons.
Changed some coloring a bit, and fix some minor details.
Just realized that many of you probably are not using the GTK Menu Hack. So, I updated it to have a matching color menu, and a matching color menu that is glossy.
Fix the name, took out the blue and replaced it with more "milk" style coloring, and fixed some minor bugs I found.
Added another folder for people who want a darker highlight that was suggested
Redid the Taskbar image to make it have more smoother rounded corners, and made image size of it from 160x23 straight up to 7680x23 Any screen size you have the image should fit
Changed name from MurrinaMilk to MurrinaWhite. Changed some coloring a bit to make it more whiter. To me, it seems a lot better now. Also added a few new things in it.
As suggested, made a folder for text to be greyish instead of black.
Ratings & Comments
where can I get the OSX bottom bar? thanks ;]
I think its KXDocker. But I was unable to make it work under GNOME...
Its KXDocker :)
Thanks a lot ;] but I cant find the background, do you know where can I get it? thanks
http://img77.imageshack.us/img77/3379/auroraoriginal3qi0.jpg ^^^ The background :p
thanks ;]
I like this theme a lot , I was looking for a good white one for a while but there is something I would like to know . Is there anyway I can change the font color to be a bit greysh not plain black like it is now ? I am using Murrina Carbonit and the fonts aren't full-on black . It looks very nice this way .Or ... can you make a version of the theme that has the fonts slighly lighter shade of black ? Thanks for a great theme !
What metacity do you use?
nice work! where did you find that desktop background?
Im pretty sure that background is included in Windoze Vista ;)
oh ...
I'm trying to make my gnome looking like macosx and this was one of my preferred theme to make it. Otherwise (even if your work is really hot! And telling "really", I mean "really!" :P) one of the things I don't like so much is that the windows titles (such as Nautilus, i.e.) are separated from the menu (as well from the content) by a grey line.. Without linking any other themes, I think that in Macosx they're all-in-one... Isn't it? Maybe it's just me, I've never used macosx ;) Anyway, again, congratulations! This is one of the best theme around! Byeee
I like the theme a lot. Where can i download the icons from?
I'm using a the OSX icons from here: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=31618&vote=good&tan=97190413 I modified it a bit though.
Since you are using mac menubar i suggest you to recompile my engine with --enable-macmenu (./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-animation --enable-macmenu && sudo make install) then restart GNOME. you will see few things fixed (for example the white line below window decorations) that looks good with patched gtk2.
Thanks for the tip :) I recompiled it and that made the menu look more smoother on the bar, not like its popping out a little :) Thanks!
Nice work! I usually don't like Mac themes all that much, but this one is nice. I have one suggestion, which is to change base[SELECTED] = "#e7e7e7" to base[SELECTED] = "#C3C9D5". This increases the color of selected text from light to dark grey, making it much easier to see.
regarding the pixmaps, take a look at a pixmap-based theme it is very self explaining...i'm sure you'll quickly find out how to add pixmaps :) "Murrina" is right for themes, "Murrine" is the engine...it is good to name it "MurrinaTHEMENAME" so it is possible to use the configurator for set up some things.
1. Name should be "Murrina[whatever]". "Murrine" is plural. 2. This is definitely not a Milk-like theme, it is too dark and uses blue where Milk uses off-white. Should be "Murrina-Aqua" or something like that.