This is my first theme. I didn't do all the design. I took two themes and combine them :Aurora Leopard BSM DarkShiki MintThan I did some coding This theme is designed specialy for Linux Mint Gloria. All credits goes to owners of these two themes !Please leave a feedback
Ratings & Comments
Any chance you can make this theme for the other colors like brave, noble, etc?
Hi, Really Liked your theme. It Rocks! Couldn't get the green icons though , so i searhed around & found this I think the icons were made for this theme , Not sure. Thanks!!
Thanks everyone :)
Excellent theme there johonunu. Thankyou. After installing the theme, its complaining of missing icon theme. Can you guide me please?
It's missing Linux mint Gloria default icon theme called "Shiki Mint" but it's the same icon theme as on this link : Download "GNOME-colors iconset" and chose the green one !!! Thanks for the comment !
Thanks again, johonunu. Looks much better now though it still complains about missing icon theme. I am not worried anymore as I am loving this theme the more I use. Thanks a million. Keep up the good work.
I love that wallpaper! Link?
Here is the link :
Looks GREAT, but I'd prefer if the highlighted color weren't red. Just doesn't work that well with the black/blue style.
LOL, never mind! Wrong TAB. Sorry!!
It's ok :) Any other comments ? Anyone ?