Wallpaper: http://customize.org/wallpapers/53800Icons: Buuf http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Buuf?content=81153fonts in screenshot: BauhausMedium (http://www.font-zone.com/download.php?fid=115) and AvantGarde LT Medium.
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why the folder's color are differ from yours in the screenshot.
Because I changed the colour of original folder.
how I can make green folders :) ?
Well I just opened the original image in GIMP, changed the colour and saved.
Excuse me Marika again, where i find that icon ? in which folder ? OS Ubuntu 9.10. tnx a lot !
http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Buuf?content=81153 it's part of this icon theme. Original folder icon is in buuf1.06/128x128/places -folder.
can you share that icon on the internet,coz i'm not so good in gimp ( now really tnx a lot !
hum...there's a taste of 'Lyrae' in this theme !
could you tell me what icon theme do you use?
I'm using Buuf http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Buuf?content=81153 :)