Olona & 2Late
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
and AMANES by SORA available here :
ENGINES NEEDED : Aurora - Murrine - Pixmap
Emerald theme is a mod of DOTS by lassekongo83 available at:
Dots_Metacity is an adaptation of Dots_Emerald
The two borders decoration themes are under Creative Commons license
GDM is eGDM_Dark by DanRabbit mod with darker Meliae icons
Final version : some change in GTKRC file (horizontal scrollbar bar did not appear in Ooo and FFox)
Change style of 'theme-menu' and add new texture in GTKRC file, see picture #3
Add GDM , conkyrc and CCSM config file
Updated all screenshots
New Ringsensors used available at :
Remove Amanes Metacity Theme
Add New Metacity Theme : DOTS_Metacity
Some little mods in gtkrc files
Pict #1 :2late and emerald
Pict #2 lona and Metacity
fix bug in Gedit
Texture of 'menubar.png' and 'toolbar_light.png'
pictures #1 and #2
Ratings & Comments
I've voted good for this theme.. even if I prefer black ones, I'm gonna try it!!
Have you ever thought about stopping to pretend being a themer, pussycat.
I'm sorry, my english is too bad and i doesn't read this comment... I have the conky installed, thanks ;)
Hi!!, how can I configure the top panel such as you? I need a guide to make it please. thank you a lot
...see my last comment at http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=101345&forumpage=0
c'est bien foutu KYRN, sobre , c'est simple mais efficace, peut-être un petit bémol pour les bordure de fenêtre metacity/emerald, c'est un peut trop sombre par rapport au GTK de même que pour le titre qui est difficile a voir, mais les les icône de la bordure de fenetre vont bien avec le thème GTK PS: comment tu as a fait pour avoir l'espèce de bandelette en haut du bureau(c'est avec conky non ?? ) sinon dans l'ensemble le thème GTK et très bien, et le thème metacity/emerald, je pense que tu devrais ressortir un peut le titre pour qu'il se voit un peut plus en tous cas bravos a toi et vive l'hadopi(non je rigole^^) PS: désolé au autre de ne pas parler anglais
Merci Vincent J'ai hésité à mettre un titre transparent pour les fenetres inactives, les rendant ainsi sombres et en ne faisant apparaitre que l'icone. Pour les polices comme je possede un portable elle sont aisement voyantes, je comprend que sur un PC fixe avec un ecran plus large ça doit faire un peu petit, mais ces reglages peuvent etre faits sans renter dans le fichier GTKRC. Pour le system file en haut c'est bien conky je l'ai rajouté dans TAR.GZ à telecharger(si marche pas voir sur le site OPENDESKTOP il est mis a jour avant GNOMELOOK) Je pense faire une autre version plus compacte justement plus adaptée pour mon écran..... Merci pour le commentaire @+
Where did you get those screenlets? Thx Very nice theme btw!
They were already include in my screenlets version 0.1.2, RING sensors http://www.screenlets.org/index.php/Special:Search?search=ring&fulltext=Search
you should move this "work" in another category.The concept is to make something better not worst than the original, which in your case is not happening.
how did u get such a big and nice icon into your weather-applet? is it an other one than the standard or did u tweak it?
My icons theme is Meliae, all you'll have to do is to make links to original .png and rename theme as you'll see following the link below. Upon window contains already existing icons in Meliae original pack. Window under contains the links to original with names. http://pic1.piccdrop.com/i/0/1242241167.jpeg for my part I copy links from Eikon (very close of Meliae) pakage: /home/jeff/.icons/Eikon/scalable/status/32 to /usr/share/icons/Meliae/scalable/stock I don't if SORA forgot them or if he prefers original gnome default icons hope i helped you....
HADOPI commented at a swedish forum. How can the filesharing be considered illegal if no juridicial trying have been made?
have a look at that... http://www.laquadrature.net/en
Thanks, KYRN.
What is the system bar at the top?
system monitor is Conky : this one found at : http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/show.php?content=92498 another in the same style: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Another+conky+scripts?content=58555 tutorial (in french sorry....) at: http://www.pcinpact.com/forum/lofiversion/index.php/t97542.html
Did I imagined it or did the previous version had a different (and better, to my tastes) metacity? or did it also had the unchanged version of the Aldana metacity?
for the metacity : I only copy&paste the originalAmanes file for emerald : I only change the name of previous version, from olona to original name because mods are very light hope I have reply to to your question....
Thanks, you have. I think I must have imagined it then. By the way I meant Amanes* not Aldana. . Maybe I got a little confused with the emerald. But I like this theme a lot, it's very nice. I already made a darker version of the metacity for personal use.
Dude i love your wallpaper, where you get it or could you link us :)
thank you ! all you have to do is to download and open the 'read me-credits-wall' file enjoy !