Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Chrome hacks for Chromium based web browser like SRWare Iron (http://www.srware.net/en/software_srware_iron.php) included.
IMPORTANT : Latest Murrine engine (http://www.cimitan.com/murrine/engine) required (now it is !
Also available :
- Open-Murrine-Seasons (http://opendesktop.org/content/show.php/Open-Murrine-Seasons?content=140811)
- Gnome-Colors-Seasons (http://opendesktop.org/content/show.php/Gnome-Colors-Seasons?content=140813)
- Humanities-Seasons (http://opendesktop.org/content/show.php/Humanities-Seasons?content=140814)
- KDE4-Seasons-Colors (http://opendesktop.org/content/show.php/KDE4-Seasons-Colors?content=140815)
- KDE3-Seasons-Colors (http://opendesktop.org/content/show.php?content=140816)
1.4.5 : style "chrome-hacks" section readjusted.
1.4.3 : Some colors readjusted for Summer-Darker and Autumn-Darker, screenshots updated.
1.4.2 : Selected text and selected foreground colors readjusted for Spring-Darker.
1.4.1 : Some colors are readjusted in darker tones versions.
1.4 : Now MurrinaSeasons uses multiple theme engines (http://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2007/08/how-to-make-a-gtk-theme-that-uses-multiple-theme-engines.ars).
Clearlooks engine with glossy style draws tabs, other widgets drawn by Murrine.
1.3.1 : Some colors are readjusted in darker tones versions.
1.3 : Many Murrine options added and tweaked, contrast and some colors are readjusted.
1.2 : Many Murrine options tweaked, screenshots updated and added in the archive.
1.1 : Another variations with same colors but darker tones added.
Initial Release.
Ratings & Comments
This is a very nice and simple theme. Would you like to add an XFCE theme?
I don't know how to theme XFwM4, I use LXDE (so Openbox as WM). Sorry.
As I looked for it, theming XFWM4 is made of some xpm formatted pixmaps and a themerc file. I could try to do it, but I don't have any artistic vein, so I need the pictures and the description of how it would look.
The only thing I can do is give you the Open-Murrine-Seasons link to look at the WM themes: http://box-look.org/content/show.php/Open-Murrine-Seasons?content=140811
not working on bohi linux, seems it doesn't work on ubuntu too
Which Murrine version do you use (look at the "Important" paragraph above) ?
i have version 0.90.3+git20100323-0ubuntu3 (lucid). bodhi repos are too old.
You can update Murrine through the link in the "Important" paragraph above.
no, i can't. i am not a programmer but an ordinary user, there is no link to a .deb file, i simply dont know how to compile, i tried it several times, but it never worked.
v1.4 still not working. Synaptic package shows that Murrine is installed. Sorry but I am going to give up on this theme.
I don't understand what happens to you, really ! If anyone can help us with his idea...
Lamda-Mod http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Lambda-Mod?content=141058 This theme also requires the same Murrina engine. I uncompress and copy it to /usr/share/themes and it works right away (It shows up in System / Preferences / Appearance). Hope you can review it and figure out the issue in MurrinaSeasons 1.4
As I can see, Lambda-Mod is one Gnome theme but MurrinaSeasons are several GTK+ themes in one archive. cwchien uses XFCE and MurrinaSeasons works fine so if MurrinaSeasons doesn't work in ~/.themes or /usr/share/themes with correct permisions, I think the problem come from Gnome or 64 bits platform. I will test as soon as possible on Linux Mint Gnome 32 bits version to know more (I don't have 64 bits machine)...
Hi, What is the application that you use to preview and install the theme as shown in the screenshot? I find these colors of this theme too vivid and they stand out too much, causing distraction on a long run. Can you make another variation with same colors but darker tones? Thanks
That's the theme selection dialog from Openbox & LXDE.
lxappearance-obconf (http://blog.lxde.org/?p=788), LXAppearance with OpenBox integration. This plugin is enabled if you run OpenBox (it is the case running LXDE).
I'll make other themes as soon as possible (depend of time).
Another variations with same colors but darker tones added.
Can you give the link to the version having darker colors?
Oh may it the dark version is included in the download but you didn't update the screenshot? I tried to install but how? Drop the *.bz2 file in the Appearance windows got an error (not a theme). Unzip and copy to /usr/share/themes doesn't work either. The them doesn't show in Appearance. Is it compatible with Gnome? Sorry for the silly question but can you give some basic instructions to install?
Darker varations are included in the archive. Is your problem due to permissions ?
I forgot : I don't use Gnome but LXDE. Unzip the archive and copy the themes folders (darker variations are in "Darker" subfolder) to ~/.themes or /usr/share/themes but in this case, you must set permissions through a root access.
I unzip and copied in each of the locations (like other GTK themes) but your theme doesn't show up in the Appearance window.
Forgot to mention, I use LinuxMint 10 x64, Gnome. And it is not a permission issue. I use root permission to copy the files in /usr/share/themes
I tested in my home PC deleting the themes and reinstalling them from the archive in /usr/share/themes -> works fine. I don't understand what's happening to you !