Wallpaper: Honeycomb Black
Cursor: Nuetral Plus
Icons: QDark Sleek
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
4.0 - Changed all the things
4.1 - Changed progressbar, menuitem and some small changes at buttons, tabs, panel, scrollbar and range
Ratings & Comments
I am new to Linux but not doing bad. I installed this with Emerald.. Half of the items did not work. Not getting glossy menu's etc Can someone tell me how to manually install? Thanks in advance
Nevermind lol.. Sorted it out.. Awesome, I love it!
Looks very nice so far. Needs something though... can't put my finger on it. Maybe a thin white gradient on the titlebar? I'm not sure.
Thanks for comment I can make another emerald/metacity if you do not like this
I would like to let you know what a great theme this is. Very versatile theme. Thanks for creating it.
Thanks for the comment, I'm glad you like it
many errors: Scrollbar/right-prelight.png, /home/tc/.themes/QDarkStudio4/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:595: Background image options specified without filename...............
I will fix it soon
i like your theme it looks clear :D but i think the thin progressbars are stupid ...
Is true, but I wanted to do something unusual, if you have any suggestion just tell me