Prudence Next Generation
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
-- 27-06-10 --
added 3 new metacity themes.
-- 28-08-10 --
metacity themes updated.
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
More GTK2 Themes from untouchable89:
Other GTK2 Themes:
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All rights reserved. All trademarks are copyright by their respective owners. All contributors are responsible for their uploads.
Ratings & Comments
Пожалуйста, вернись и переделай всё под gtk3. Сил нет терпеть современные десктопы.
10 10 the best
1] Thank you for making this theme. I used to love QNX just because of the good looking themes they used. It was for some reason always hard to find a good QNX theme for GNOME. 2] It doesn't seem to show up on the Theme selector after installation. I ended up manually selecting the Metacity Window Border and the GTK2 controls myself. Looks pretty good.
to show up in the theme selector it needs to refer to a gtk, metacity, and an icon set.
You can't find metacity themes inside archive? olololo =)
^^ no, i didn't mean that. i'm just saying that to show up as a complete theme in the gnome-appearance-properties, it needs the index.theme file to have it referring to an icon theme, a gtk theme, and a metacity theme. so, since i don't think this has icons, then it won't show up like that, or it would refer to an existing icon set that the person should have.